Thursday, February 14, 2008

To be blessed...

I know, I know, after a month of hardly writing, I've put lots of little things up today. But I've been catching up, and some of the things I've come across have just been too beautiful not to share.

My friend Faye, of the ever challengingly honest posts wrote a post in poem form recently - a meditation of sorts on candles and life. I love the way Faye thinks and writes. So deep and personal, and yet integrating her coursework, the things she happens to be reading and listening to, whatever's been going on in her world. She used colors in this one the way she always does, and they add something to her posts. They work for her in ways they'd never work for me were I to attempt such a thing. You can find the whole post here, but, I'm going to steal just a few lines from it, and put them on my own blog - giving her credit of course - because they caught me where I'm at today, as I work to process the impact of five weeks away from home, in the midst of intense situations.

John says:
"Jesus breathed on his disciples"
before his ascent-
"a blessing".
We generally avoid being breathed on.
Breath is stinky,
a violation of our personal space.
Maybe we need to be violated
to be blessed.