Thursday, February 09, 2006

Faith and Fight

You have to read this post on Kirk's blog. I've stolen his title.

I loved this post, because it seemed to describe in some way what has been happening in my life this last month. He quotes Brian McLaren as saying, "God has seemed to me at times like a coach who pushed me so hard during practice that I almost quit the sport entirely." This is what I've felt like!

At one point on the weekend, a friend was praying over me, and described to me a picture that he had for me. It was that of an athlete or someone in heavy training - so hard it was almost killing them. That's what life has looked like lately. And on the weekend, I really was about three seconds from walking away from it all. I had hit a level of exhaustion that made my body and soul simply refuse to keep moving on. But, I've been somewhat restored in the past days. And I am more convinced than ever of the calling God has laid on my life to serve. I have just recognized the need to serve in a way that will be obedient, but will not kill me. When I figure out how precisely to do that I'll let you know. Because I know God has reminded me to spend time receiving, but He has not loosened the burden of the calling He has laid on me. So it'll be a challenge to find that balance, but I'm committed to look for it, and to allow God to continue to mold and train me into whatever He desires.