I'm thankful for:
- the fact that even though a couple of inches of snow fell overnight, it is not correspondingly freezing cold.
- the fact that I work for a company that exists, at least in part, to donate a large portion of it's profits to Mennonite Central Committee Alberta - essentially funding works of justice all over the world
- chocolate cupcakes left over from yesterday's staff meeting, for breakfast.
- g-mail chat
- eyes that see
- lunch being provided for us at work today
- the long-time friends like James, who hung out even when he wanted to strangle me, when I was the crankiest, nastiest person to be around, in the midst of the worst of my depression
- friends with a huge heart for various parts of the world, like Megs and Marty and Kari
- a sense of the nearness of Jesus in the midst of this painful season of Lent
- my friendship with Shelley, who laughs at my sarcasm, makes me laugh in return, won't let me avoid anything, and generally holds me accountable to being the person God seems to be calling me to be
- a friend at work who laughs in all the right places when I'm sarcastic and cranky, or have a "blond" moment, and dishes back just as much as I give out
- mandarin oranges from Pakistan
- bottled water
- home-made muffins
- Passion tea
- Vanilla rooibos tea
- a job that promises not to be "slow and boring" anytime soon
- all the little things that remind me to pray
- having found the "nearly perfect" journal for processing my trip in a couple of weeks ago
- suddenly having the burning desire to write again - constantly. my journals usually take two years or so to fill. the new one was begun on February 14th and is now 1/3 full, with no signs of slowing
- dreams of future travels - Israel, Peru, Pakistan/India, back to Europe, and yes, probably Africa
- moments of redemption, big and small
- the moments when the words begin to pour from my heart onto a page, and release is granted for my soul
- incense (in stick and pebble form)
- candles
- skirts that fit, even when my dress pants don't
- scarves - I love scarves.
- cute earrings
- a best friend who brings me things like scarves and bracelets and earrings from all over the world
- friends who are committed to prayer
- various things from all over the world that surround the corner of my bedroom where I sit to pray, and remind me of my ever-growing heart for the nations
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