Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Whimsical Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Today's edition of Whimsical Wednesday seems to be three-fold.  There are tasty treats, there are things that made me smile because of their beauty or whimsy, and there are words that are speaking to my heart.  (I might add that as much as the tasty treats appeal, none of them are going to be in my diet any time soonish, as I work to care more fully for my body, and limit my intake of less healthy foods.)  As always, I'd love to know if any of these images stand out to you.

Source: via Lisa on Pinterest


Tea said...

Love the tulips! And oh my, the quotes! The one from Einstein encourages me so much, especially when I think about our adoptions. And the other one... I am so careful with others, but not so much with myself. Good for me to hear that little tidbit today.
Thanks for sharing!

Jenny said...

Love the word pics - absurd ideas and gentleness with self!

Lisa said...

So glad the words hit home for both of you! Sending hugs and prayers to each of you :)

Tea said...

Thanks, Lisa.