Thursday, February 02, 2012

Make Me Laugh?

Y'all, I had great intentions of writing a nice, long, reflective style essay in this space today.  It was tentatively titled "Feminism, Nursing, and Jesus" and I was excited to pour it out.  (I still will, by the way.) But, life happened.  A day that normally ends at 4:00 pm ended instead at 6:15 pm, and was followed by my usual lengthy bus commute.  It was 8:00 pm by the time I made it home and settled in, and I still hadn't prepared to teach at home church tonight.  Exhaustion was rampant, and the brain cells needed for reflective essay writing were long since killed off for the day!

So, feminism, nursing and Jesus will have to wait, and instead of a long essay I'm stopping in to say hi, and asking you to share something in the comments that has made you laugh over the course of the last week.  Anything really.  I'd love to laugh with you today!


terri said...

my three year old grandson called me yesterday to shoot the breeze. i can't remember a word he babbled but i do remembered that I laughed an awful lot. he wanted to come over and play with my husband's tool box. :) at one point my one year old grandson got on and said, "hi". that was pretty funny too.

Jenny said...

A great book I'm reading called How Now Brown Frau, by Merridy Eastman. She's written two other books - all three, highly recommended.

Her parents are hilariously funny, and she has a great way with words.

Lisa said...

Terri - that brought a big smile to my face.

Jenny - I'll have to look that author up! Thanks!