Saturday, March 05, 2011

Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 201

It's been a long time since I've posted a Daily 5 before 10:30 at night, but the truth is, I'm exhausted.    I've been nursing a headache for a good chunk of the day, and it's finally getting the better of me.  I've been fighting to keep my eyes open, and my thoughts coherent since about 4:30 this afternoon, and I'm now losing that battle.  I have one email to write after I post this list, and then I'm letting the exhaustion win, and praying for a long and deep sleep.

  1. Yoga class this morning
  2. making a new friend at yoga (we've laughed our way through the last two classes we've both happened to attend)
  3. a hot shower after the yoga practice
  4. a brief skype chat with a friend
  5. homemade coconut oatmeal cookies