Monday, March 15, 2010

Daily 5 - Day 215

Today's Daily 5:
  1. Stopped on my way home at the natural food store that's near the train station and restocked vitamins and some great organic dried fruit and nuts that they sell.
  2. Cooked a proper, nutritious dinner for the first time since moving into Grandma's.  I've been avoiding the kitchen because it's upstairs and definitely in "her domain".  My body was letting me know that this wasn't working, so tonight I cooked.  Italian chicken over couscous, with oven roasted asparagus, mushrooms and cashews, sprinkled with sea salt.  I think my whole body sighed in relief at the normalcy of eating a relatively balanced meal, while catching up on some online TV.  And, there's enough left that I can have it for lunch tomorrow, and then one more meal - likely supper on Wednesday.
  3. Caught up on the latest episode of The Amazing Race online tonight.  The travel fanatic in me loves watching that show.
  4. Grandma mostly just let me do my thing while I was cooking.  That was such a blessing.
  5. I've managed lately to keep up on my Lenten readings - that hasn't been easy to remember in my fairly exhausted state, so it makes me happy to know that I've managed to be a bit more consistent with it this last week.