Friday, December 07, 2007

With the wind...

I found out yesterday that I won't get the job I was so certain I'd get after all.

And I'm okay with that.

I'd prayed hard before making the decision to apply, and it seemed God was leading in that direction, so I went with it.

Within a week of applying, though, I found out some more details about possible future travel plans (next summer), and realized that if I wanted to follow my heart on the traveling, I couldn't make the time commitment to the job.

So, I let things sit in limbo, and waited for my employer to bring it up.

Yesterday morning, as we discussed the unpaid leave time that I'm taking to go to Malta, it came up.

I also found out that while they'll generously grant me leave for Malta, that's the only time they'll do it. The next time the Lord asks me to make a trip around the world somewhere, I'll be out of a job.

I wrote a friend last night to tell her about the job situation.

As I was writing, I realized that I really am okay.

I feel so many things changing still in my life... I am being pulled outward to the world, and sense that there will be many opportunities to travel in this next season. Possibilities (vaguely for some, less vague for others) exist on my radar for trips to Rwanda, Peru, India/Pakistan, and Europe.

I told my friend, "I want to be blown with the wind for this next while, not settled." I want to go wherever Jesus takes me and hang out with friends in locations spread across the country and across the globe.

I leave for Malta in just over a month.

I'm ready to float on the wind...


virtual nexus said...

Lovely blog, and all the best with your trip to Malta.

Noticed your personality indicator - have got the Motivational gifts one on my main blog, Virtual Journey in links at the bottom of the page, plus one or two other random Christian links.