Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Random Facts about Me

So, just because I was thinking about some of these things, here are some random facts about me...

  • I could eat potato at just about any meal, in just about any form. Except mashed. I'm not that crazy about mashed potatoes.
  • I say that about potatoes, because that's what I felt like eating tonight. Potatoes. So I made a spiced hashbrown type dish that I often make, and a few strips of bacon.
  • Continuing in the food vein for a second, let me just say that I don't like breakfast foods. At least not for breakfast.
  • I do however, eat breakfast for supper every once in a while. This is something my very straightlaced roommate finds odd. I come home, and make pancakes, or french toast, or hashbrowns and bacon. I grew up eating breakfast for supper occasionally. It's a Pippus family tradition. One which my roommate finds weird.
  • I love almost any television that's not written for the dumbest possible viewer. Unless it's really crude, or really physical comedy.
  • I love everything I've ever seen written by Aaron Sorkin. Sport's Night. The West Wing. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. The American President.
  • My phone rings so rarely that I'm always a little surprised when it does ring.
  • I'm a sucker for impulse buys - particularly if they're practical items that I use regularly. I may not need the item at that moment, but if it's somewhere where I can grab it on impulse, and it's a good deal, I'll probably buy it.
  • I'm also a sucker for sales.
  • I have favorites of all kinds of things. Favorite jeans. Favorite socks. Favorite product lines. Favorite make-up.
  • I have to be in exactly the right mood to shop for clothes. If I'm in the wrong mood, then I could try on the most perfect outfit, and I'll still hate it.
Okay, well, I can't think of any more particularly random facts at the moment, so I'm moving on to other things for the evening... see you around!