Saturday, December 22, 2007


I swear my body runs on a weird cycle sometimes... I have weeks with absolutely no appetite, where I force myself to eat, and get a stomach ache every time I force something down. Then, I have days like yesterday and today, where everything makes me hungry. I eat big meals regularly, and I'm still hungry.

Today I've eaten quite a lot, and I still find myself hungry.

I've made good food - full of healthy ingredients, and all I can think at this moment is, "I need another meal."

Vegetables. I'm craving vegetables. Or maybe ichiban soup, with vegetables in it. I have steamed veggies in my fridge - maybe I'll eat those in a while.

Funny how life is like that in so many ways - you can be barely able to eat, to take things in for a long time, and then, suddenly, you find yourself unable to satisfy your appetite.

My devotional life can be like that. For weeks or months I "eat" the minimum, and then, suddenly, I find myself "starving" for the word of God.

I'm hungry right now, in more ways than one.