- chocolate
- a kiwi with my lunch
- a more peaceful work day
- really good roasted potatoes and sweet potatoes for supper
- crawling into a warm bed, on a very cold rainy day.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 15
Today's Daily 5:
Whimsical Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Today's Whimsical Wednesday is heavy on images of beauty (and maybe a little bit of laughter), something I find myself craving more and more.
Which image grabs you the most this week?
Which image grabs you the most this week?
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 14
Today's Daily 5:
- Thankful that though it rained most of the day, I made my commute to and from work in the brief periods where it wasn't raining
- chocolate
- a hot shower after a very long day
- that when I got stuck on a delayed train (again! this is why I definitely prefer the bus), I wasn't in a big hurry to be anywhere
- having a refrigerator in my bedroom, giving me some options for healthier food that I didn't have previously.
You Ask, I Answer, Take 20
Today's You Ask, I Answer question is the second last of the ones left on my list, and is once again from Johanna in Germany. (Side note: Send more questions my way if you like! I'm still having fun with them, though I do have a plan if I don't get any more from all of you!)
Johanna asked:
It took me a little while to come up with an answer for this one!
I would actually say that I think one of the biggest challenges that we face is figuring out how to live in a world that has become so much larger. I was reading a historical novel just recently and was struck by the reality that only a century or so ago, a 80 mile distance was immense, and meant that you might only see friends or family living at that distance once or twice a year! Long distance relationships were conducted by writing letters, and receiving a letter once a week or so was hugely frequent! Now, my closest friends live in different countries and on different continents from me, and while I don't always see them in person on a regular basis, I hear from them multiple times a week via email, phone calls, and skype.
I'm also struck by how, as we've developed these communication tools to make the world both larger and smaller simultaneously, our concerns have grown. We are aware of the effects of famine in Somalia, and war in Libya, and earthquakes in Japan and Haiti and elsewhere. We know instantly about the death of Osama bin Laden, and we speculate about when Will and Kate will produce an heir to the throne.
I think this growth/shrinking of the world is both a blessing and something that presents an immense challenge. I feel like we've lost the sense of family and community that came with a smaller world, and that a huge challenge for our generation is to figure out how to live with a sense of family, and community and grace on a more global scale. We have to make choices about how our lifestyle, our finances, our travel, and so many other things affect not only those close to us, but those on the other side of the planet. We need to consider the ramifications of the fact that we might talk daily with someone on another continent and not know who lives in the apartment next door. With a larger world comes a sense of responsibility - do my choices about transportation, about the environment and the food I consume have an affect on someone living in sub-saharan Africa? Does the fact that I have more than enough even though I'm on the lower end of the North American income scale make me responsible for the family existing in extreme poverty in Haiti or Cambodia?
As I write, I think about people asking Jesus who their neighbor really is, and I think that question they asked two thousand or so years ago takes on a new significance in an age where in many ways the whole world can be considered our neighbors.
So, that's my answer - I think figuring out how to live out a Christian ethic of loving your neighbor, in the midst of a world that has expanded/shrunk is a huge challenge for our generation, and one that will very much define the mark that we will leave on history.
Johanna asked:
What do you think is the biggest/one of the most important challenges for our society/for our generation right now/in the coming years?
It took me a little while to come up with an answer for this one!
I would actually say that I think one of the biggest challenges that we face is figuring out how to live in a world that has become so much larger. I was reading a historical novel just recently and was struck by the reality that only a century or so ago, a 80 mile distance was immense, and meant that you might only see friends or family living at that distance once or twice a year! Long distance relationships were conducted by writing letters, and receiving a letter once a week or so was hugely frequent! Now, my closest friends live in different countries and on different continents from me, and while I don't always see them in person on a regular basis, I hear from them multiple times a week via email, phone calls, and skype.
I'm also struck by how, as we've developed these communication tools to make the world both larger and smaller simultaneously, our concerns have grown. We are aware of the effects of famine in Somalia, and war in Libya, and earthquakes in Japan and Haiti and elsewhere. We know instantly about the death of Osama bin Laden, and we speculate about when Will and Kate will produce an heir to the throne.
I think this growth/shrinking of the world is both a blessing and something that presents an immense challenge. I feel like we've lost the sense of family and community that came with a smaller world, and that a huge challenge for our generation is to figure out how to live with a sense of family, and community and grace on a more global scale. We have to make choices about how our lifestyle, our finances, our travel, and so many other things affect not only those close to us, but those on the other side of the planet. We need to consider the ramifications of the fact that we might talk daily with someone on another continent and not know who lives in the apartment next door. With a larger world comes a sense of responsibility - do my choices about transportation, about the environment and the food I consume have an affect on someone living in sub-saharan Africa? Does the fact that I have more than enough even though I'm on the lower end of the North American income scale make me responsible for the family existing in extreme poverty in Haiti or Cambodia?
As I write, I think about people asking Jesus who their neighbor really is, and I think that question they asked two thousand or so years ago takes on a new significance in an age where in many ways the whole world can be considered our neighbors.
So, that's my answer - I think figuring out how to live out a Christian ethic of loving your neighbor, in the midst of a world that has expanded/shrunk is a huge challenge for our generation, and one that will very much define the mark that we will leave on history.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 13
Today's Daily 5:
- A relatively decent first day in this new temp position
- sitting outside, near the river, reading a book on my lunch hour
- a commute with no connections or transfers today, just time to read and think
- crocs ballet flats (an essential part of my work wardrobe)
- a cute scarf to wear, today's was floaty and a deep blue and cream color combo
Begin Again
I'm writing this post ahead of time, since, well, by the time it goes live this morning, I'll be on my way to catch a bus, and head for work.
This new temp position will require catching a bus by 6:30 am. That means waking up at around 5:30 am. Is there even a world at 5:30 am?
In some ways, I'm not sorry for last week's miscommunication over the start date of this position. It means that I've had a dry run, and I know just how much time I'll need to get up and start feeling like a human being. I know which buses to take, and where the office is. I have a sense of what's nearby - and of things that will be lovely until the weather changes - things like the fact that the river is only a few minutes walk from the office, nestled in the midst of a pretty park, and a nice escape from the density of downtown. Lunch hours will likely be spent in the park.
It's a downtown job, and that's a first. I've worked in administrative roles for years, but this is the first time I've worked right in the city core. (Well, other than the job at the social services organization last year, but that was more on the fringes of the core than actually in the core.)
So, today I begin again. I begin working. I begin adapting to a new schedule and rhythm of life. A new need for a more disciplined approach to time management than I've needed in a while. I begin longish commutes, likely filled with reading and thinking. I begin sorting out how to manage a full time work schedule given the particular challenges of my living situation, especially in the areas of easy access to a shower, and for cooking. I begin again. And new starts are always both terrifying and wonderful.
This new temp position will require catching a bus by 6:30 am. That means waking up at around 5:30 am. Is there even a world at 5:30 am?
In some ways, I'm not sorry for last week's miscommunication over the start date of this position. It means that I've had a dry run, and I know just how much time I'll need to get up and start feeling like a human being. I know which buses to take, and where the office is. I have a sense of what's nearby - and of things that will be lovely until the weather changes - things like the fact that the river is only a few minutes walk from the office, nestled in the midst of a pretty park, and a nice escape from the density of downtown. Lunch hours will likely be spent in the park.
It's a downtown job, and that's a first. I've worked in administrative roles for years, but this is the first time I've worked right in the city core. (Well, other than the job at the social services organization last year, but that was more on the fringes of the core than actually in the core.)
So, today I begin again. I begin working. I begin adapting to a new schedule and rhythm of life. A new need for a more disciplined approach to time management than I've needed in a while. I begin longish commutes, likely filled with reading and thinking. I begin sorting out how to manage a full time work schedule given the particular challenges of my living situation, especially in the areas of easy access to a shower, and for cooking. I begin again. And new starts are always both terrifying and wonderful.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 12
I'm writing today's Daily 5 at what feels like an insanely early hour compared to when I normally write them. That said, since starting tomorrow my alarm clock will ring at 5:30 every weekday morning, I'm aiming to start my hour of "no screen" time by about 9:30 tonight, and have my lights out, heading for sleep by 10:30. That means I need to write this Daily 5 now, even if it feels early!
So, today's Daily 5:
So, today's Daily 5:
- Hawaiian pizza for lunch
- crawling into a bed with freshly washed sheets
- buying a mini refrigerator for my space at grandma's, just a little thing, but it makes my life here quite a bit more liveable (and will let me snack in a bit healthier way!)
- a weekend that really was quite productive
- all the little things involved in preparing for a new start at work tomorrow morning
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 11
Today's Daily 5:
- Farmer's market
- huge fresh blackberries
- the last Wisconsin string cheese from this year's stash
- sitting quietly and getting a bunch of tasks completed
- Vietnamese for dinner with dad and my brother and his wife.
Busy Weekend
Y'all, I go back to work full-time on Monday (assuming, of course, that this time everyone involved has the correct date!) That means that I'm spending this weekend tackling a whole variety of "must be dones" and "should be dones" and "would be nice to have dones" that I simply won't have as much time for once nine hours of my day, five days a week, plus commuting time are being spent working. The days will start earlier than they ever have, and that means I'll need to hit bed earlier than I have in a while. It means personal discipline, fitting in the big and most important things first, and then prioritizing on downwards. So, I made a list.
Not everything on this list is going to be accomplished, but I'm hoping to take a significant chunk out of it. It includes everything from picking up a few groceries and buying a September transit pass to compiling a Bible study for our home church for the next ten weeks, tackling some reading that I have on my plate, and getting ahead on blog posts.
It's the kind of list I mostly enjoy working through. Wish me luck as I tackle it over the next days and into the week!
(What are your weekend plans? Are you a list maker, or more of a take it as it comes kind of person?)
Not everything on this list is going to be accomplished, but I'm hoping to take a significant chunk out of it. It includes everything from picking up a few groceries and buying a September transit pass to compiling a Bible study for our home church for the next ten weeks, tackling some reading that I have on my plate, and getting ahead on blog posts.
It's the kind of list I mostly enjoy working through. Wish me luck as I tackle it over the next days and into the week!
(What are your weekend plans? Are you a list maker, or more of a take it as it comes kind of person?)
Friday, August 26, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 10
Today's Daily 5:
- Doing a crossword puzzle
- the satisfaction of settling in and beginning to mark things off of a list for the weekend
- curled up and reading
- movie theatre popcorn, and a cute movie
- being treated to tasty ice cream by dad on the way home from the movie
Reverb 11 - August
The Reverb prompt for August is:
Describe an unexpected moment, activity, sighting or conversation that touched you during July.
Hmm... July seems far away already, since August is now more than half-way through.
In July I unexpectedly connected with a newcomer to my city, while taking the bus. We chatted for a length of time, and exchanged phone numbers. In the couple weeks since, we haven't been in touch, but maybe that will change.
What caught me off guard was that we connected at all. I'm not usually all that willing to engage strangers in conversation (especially on transit, after a whole collection of crazy experiences), but we'd boarded the bus together, from the place we were both working (she was a permanent employee at the place I was temping) and courtesy dictated at least a bit of conversation. Oddly, I took it farther, asking all about her, her background and family, where she is from, how long she'd been in my city, and in Canada in general.
I don't know if we'll ever connect again. Maybe we will, maybe we won't. But it's a moment that stands out. One where a different part of me than usual took over, listening to an inner prompting to engage where I would normally retreat, and listening to that prompting voice led to a fascinating conversation, and many prayerful thoughts. It was definitely a moment that touched my soul in new ways.
Describe an unexpected moment, activity, sighting or conversation that touched you during July.
Hmm... July seems far away already, since August is now more than half-way through.
In July I unexpectedly connected with a newcomer to my city, while taking the bus. We chatted for a length of time, and exchanged phone numbers. In the couple weeks since, we haven't been in touch, but maybe that will change.
What caught me off guard was that we connected at all. I'm not usually all that willing to engage strangers in conversation (especially on transit, after a whole collection of crazy experiences), but we'd boarded the bus together, from the place we were both working (she was a permanent employee at the place I was temping) and courtesy dictated at least a bit of conversation. Oddly, I took it farther, asking all about her, her background and family, where she is from, how long she'd been in my city, and in Canada in general.
I don't know if we'll ever connect again. Maybe we will, maybe we won't. But it's a moment that stands out. One where a different part of me than usual took over, listening to an inner prompting to engage where I would normally retreat, and listening to that prompting voice led to a fascinating conversation, and many prayerful thoughts. It was definitely a moment that touched my soul in new ways.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 9
Today's Daily 5:
- wearing a top I really like, and hadn't worn in a while
- an email inbox down to zero
- ordering subscriptions to two favorite magazines
- unexpected and somewhat therapeutic tears
- laughing and playing with a two year old and giggling with friends from house church over all sorts of random and goofy stuff.
A Prayer to the God of Ebb and Flow
Some time ago, in the midst of my nightly reading, I flagged a prayer, with the same title as this post, written by Henri Nouwen, as something that I absolutely needed to share with all of you. And today is the day for it! Here you are:
A Prayer to the God of Ebb and Flow
O Lord, sea of love and goodness, let me not fear too much the storms and winds of my daily life, and let me know that there is an ebb and flow but that the sea remains the sea. Amen.
(Seeds of Hope, pg. 88)
A Prayer to the God of Ebb and Flow
Dear Lord, today I thought of the words of Vincent van Gogh: "It is true there is an ebb and flow, but the sea remains the sea. You are the sea. Although I experience many ups and downs in my emotions and often feel great shifts and changes in my inner life, you remain the same. Your sameness is not the sameness of a rock, but the sameness of a faithful lover. Out of your love I came to life; by your love I am sustained; and to your love I am always called back. There are days of sadness and days of joy; there are feelings of guilt and feelings of gratitude; there are moments of failure and moments of success; but all of them are embraced by your unwavering love.
My only real temptation is to doubt in your love, to think of myself as beyond the reach of your love, to remove myself from the healing radiance of your love. To do these things is to move into the darkness of despair.
(Seeds of Hope, pg. 88)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 8
Today's Daily 5:
- Sitting in the sun at a bus stop, reading
- finding a great deal on a hot yoga towel ($20, instead of the $65 that Lulu Lemon charges)
- Taking a hot flow yoga class this afternoon that kicked my butt (in a good way)
- a salad with blue cheese, chicken, pecans, dried cranberries, and other tasty bits
- finishing off my evening curled up with a book and a Kit Kat bar
Whimsical Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Here's the latest Whimsical Wednesday collection! I'd love to hear which image caught your attention the most, and why, in the comments!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 7
Today's Daily 5:
- Wearing several new pieces of comfortable (and cute!) clothing
- the smell of freshly cut sweet peas in a vase
- listening to podcasts while gardening (in this case Chuck Colson and his daughter Emily Colson, speaking at Willow Creek church about her autistic son, while picking green beans)
- green beans and chicken
- audio books
- empathetic friends
- a very productive evening at home
- cell phone games
- colored pens
- fuzzy peach slices to eat while reading (love me some candy)
You Ask, I Answer, Take 19
Today's You Ask, I Answer question comes from Johanna again. She asked:
This is a question that makes me smile. I dream of writing a book, and I actually plan to one day, even if it's only for me.
Most likely I'd write a book of essays and stories from real life. A memoir/essay style combination. Maybe throw in some poetry or photographs or song lyrics that have spoken deeply to me. These are the kinds of books that I love to read, and it's most likely what I'd write. A story of God's work in the day to day moments of life, of God's sense of humor, of the moments in which I've come to know Him, and that ways that knowing Him has changed my life.
My favorite books are the ones that somehow meld story and truth, so that you don't feel preached at, and yet, you find, when you set the book aside, that your life has been changed and shaped because you read it, because of the truths it contains. That's the kind of book that I'd love to write someday.
If you could write a book, what kind of book would it be?
This is a question that makes me smile. I dream of writing a book, and I actually plan to one day, even if it's only for me.
Most likely I'd write a book of essays and stories from real life. A memoir/essay style combination. Maybe throw in some poetry or photographs or song lyrics that have spoken deeply to me. These are the kinds of books that I love to read, and it's most likely what I'd write. A story of God's work in the day to day moments of life, of God's sense of humor, of the moments in which I've come to know Him, and that ways that knowing Him has changed my life.
My favorite books are the ones that somehow meld story and truth, so that you don't feel preached at, and yet, you find, when you set the book aside, that your life has been changed and shaped because you read it, because of the truths it contains. That's the kind of book that I'd love to write someday.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 6
Today's Daily 5:
- Unexpectedly having an extra week off thanks to a communication snafu with the temp agency
- pancakes made from scratch (no mixes for me!)
- green beans
- lots of time to read
- a great yoga class (loving the new owner of the studio I take classes at, and the personal touches she's added!)
Here it Goes
I'll be on a bus by the time this post goes live this morning.
That's right, this admittedly night person has accepted a job that requires me to be in the office by 7:30, which means on a bus by before 6:30 am.
So, here it goes. I'm starting this four month administrative position today, and then I'm heading out to grab some dinner, and catch a yoga class, before coming home to bed and starting this thing over again.
This being up so early thing will definitely take some adapting. And restructuring my evening schedule, my routine, and engaging a level of personal discipline. All things that will take time to adapt to.
But, I'm delighted that I have a steady schedule and income for the next season. And I'm actually so pleased that this comes at the end of a week in which I've actively engaged silence and rest. This last week of rest and quiet was so needed as I head into a busier and fuller season again.
So, here it goes! See you tonight with the Daily 5!
That's right, this admittedly night person has accepted a job that requires me to be in the office by 7:30, which means on a bus by before 6:30 am.
So, here it goes. I'm starting this four month administrative position today, and then I'm heading out to grab some dinner, and catch a yoga class, before coming home to bed and starting this thing over again.
This being up so early thing will definitely take some adapting. And restructuring my evening schedule, my routine, and engaging a level of personal discipline. All things that will take time to adapt to.
But, I'm delighted that I have a steady schedule and income for the next season. And I'm actually so pleased that this comes at the end of a week in which I've actively engaged silence and rest. This last week of rest and quiet was so needed as I head into a busier and fuller season again.
So, here it goes! See you tonight with the Daily 5!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 5
Today's Daily 5:
- Sleeping in a little
- a long, hot shower
- planning and preparing myself for starting a new temp position tomorrow
- leftover Indian food from last night (seriously the leftover naan and aloo gobi was so tasty!)
- knowing that because of planning, and with a little bit of discipline, I'll actually be in bed early enough to accommodate the very early start I'll be having tomorrow
Sunday Quote
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”
- George R. R. Martin
- George R. R. Martin
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 4
Today's Daily 5:
- The moment when you realize that much needed painkillers have kicked in and offered relief
- sinking into a comfy bed
- a slow, lazy morning
- a scone for breakfast
- accomplishing several much needed errands
- a surprise invitation to go shopping with a good friend
- finding good deals on a number of clothes I'd been keeping an eye out for for a while now
- sitting on a patio with the same friend, with drinks and fabulous Indian food (my friend worked in Pakistan for quite a while, and knew exactly which curry dishes to order)
- Naan bread - so fabulous that it deserves its own point on the list
- trying a new cocktail (horrible name: sex on the beach - the Indian waitress - a sort of matronly lady - teased me about it mercilessly - but it was SO tasty!)
Heading Back to Routine
Mid-morning yesterday, as I was waiting for a bus, I got a call from one of the temp agencies that I'm employed by. By the time the phone call ended, I'd accepted a position, at an excellent pay rate, that will last for the next four months and begin on Monday morning.
There are huge benefits to this, chief among them the personal, emotional and financial stability that not having to wait and wonder about employment will bring.
That said, I've suddenly lost that feeling of having "all the time in the world" to accomplish things. There are a number of things that need to be accomplished over the course of the next week that will require significant amounts of time. Time that I don't have quite as much of now.
So, it's most likely going to be quiet here for a couple of days (other than the Daily 5 of course). I need to tackle a number of things that I'd thought could be more leisurely, spread out projects and now need to be condensed a bit. I need to take care of the details that make going back to work possible - things like laundry, and making sure that I have groceries to supply myself with lunches and snacks for the work days. And I have a ton of reading to tackle - assigned reading that will require some time and effort, and that I now have less time to accomplish!
I'm off for a day of reading and errands. If I don't show up sooner, I'll definitely be back here on Tuesday with the next installment of You Ask, I Answer!
There are huge benefits to this, chief among them the personal, emotional and financial stability that not having to wait and wonder about employment will bring.
That said, I've suddenly lost that feeling of having "all the time in the world" to accomplish things. There are a number of things that need to be accomplished over the course of the next week that will require significant amounts of time. Time that I don't have quite as much of now.
So, it's most likely going to be quiet here for a couple of days (other than the Daily 5 of course). I need to tackle a number of things that I'd thought could be more leisurely, spread out projects and now need to be condensed a bit. I need to take care of the details that make going back to work possible - things like laundry, and making sure that I have groceries to supply myself with lunches and snacks for the work days. And I have a ton of reading to tackle - assigned reading that will require some time and effort, and that I now have less time to accomplish!
I'm off for a day of reading and errands. If I don't show up sooner, I'll definitely be back here on Tuesday with the next installment of You Ask, I Answer!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 3
Today's Daily 5:
- A job offer from my temp agency that will provide financial and personal stability for the next several months
- laughing over a ridiculous purchase I made today with friends on twitter (and in person with one as well)
- sunshine
- a zoo trip
- watching a child laugh and experience the joys of simple things
- visiting the gorillas
- a friend who shares my sarcastic sense of humor
- reading in a bubble bath
- potatoes cooked on the BBQ
- laughing at my dad's distaste when he discovered that a chocolate bar he'd been given and was looking forward to contained dried fruit. He was so disgusted and wanted to know why anyone would wreck good milk chocolate with dried fruit! I believe his actual words were, "It's like biting into chocolate flavored rubber!" He found a way to add it to every conversation all evening and it totally cracked me up!
Friday Jumble
It's Friday, and in the midst of a week where I'm still mostly embracing quiet, I'm not quite sure what to say. My thoughts are jumbled, and bullet pointed today, going in every which direction...
- I'm making a bookstore stop today... there are a couple of books I've been asked to read that I need to pick up and get started on this weekend
- I'm spending the afternoon at the zoo with a friend and her daughter... looking forward to the exercise of walking and wandering, and the time talking and chatting
- I'm also looking forward to seeing the gorillas. I spent a long time talking with someone yesterday about the things I love about the gorillas, and then we talked about how those things reflect in my life. After that conversation, I'm ready to see "my" gorillas again
- I'm pondering work thoughts and life thoughts
- It was one of those nights where my dreams stayed with me - I dreamt a lot about my feelings about being a pastor's kid, an odd thing, since it's not one I think about regularly these days. Feelings and expectations that surprised me deeply surfaced in the midst of this particular dream...
- I'm feeling tired today... drained by some intense conversations from yesterday, by their ramifications, by the night of dreaming...
- Besides the gorillas, I look forward to peacocks, and anteaters, and watching children in the play park, laughing
- more and more, I find the laughter of children to be a sort of therapy for my soul... a salve on achy places...
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 2
Today's Daily 5:
- an interview with a temp agency that went well
- the indescribably wonderful feeling of exchanging high heels for comfy sandals
- wearing my hair curly
- kitchen prep with music playing
- having time to read for pleasure
- an appointment that was helpful
- inadvertently managing to bring the favorite vegetable of the two year old birthday boy to our house church party tonight
- having my favorite little man prop himself in my lap happily and comfortably a number of times tonight
- hugs from a number of friends
- sharing food and laughter with the people who have been my spiritual community for the last couple of years
Since we're still running low on You Ask, I Answer questions, for now I'm going to just answer them on Tuesdays.
So, today I'm going to link you to this article, Tongue Talker, ask you to go and read it, and then come back and tell me what you think.
I agree deeply with the author's perspective on the gift of tongues, and I loved what she had to say.
It's definitely the gift of the Holy Spirit that I have wrestled with the most. In my mind, it's the "weirdest", the hardest to understand, the one that scares me because it's basically impossible to control.
I'm not sure I can even answer the question of whether or not I speak in tongues. I think so? Maybe? Sometimes? It's happened once or twice, I think, in a sort of quiet way.
And yet, there is a part of me that finds deep beauty in the idea, and hopes that the gift of tongues grows in me. There is something deeply enticing to me in my soul having a language all it's own to talk with Jesus. It's the same part of me that has always clung to the deep promise that the Spirit will intercede for us with groanings beyond words.
So, tell me what you think. Do you speak in tongues? Is it part of your faith tradition? Do you think it's weird? Scary? Beautiful? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
So, today I'm going to link you to this article, Tongue Talker, ask you to go and read it, and then come back and tell me what you think.
I agree deeply with the author's perspective on the gift of tongues, and I loved what she had to say.
It's definitely the gift of the Holy Spirit that I have wrestled with the most. In my mind, it's the "weirdest", the hardest to understand, the one that scares me because it's basically impossible to control.
I'm not sure I can even answer the question of whether or not I speak in tongues. I think so? Maybe? Sometimes? It's happened once or twice, I think, in a sort of quiet way.
And yet, there is a part of me that finds deep beauty in the idea, and hopes that the gift of tongues grows in me. There is something deeply enticing to me in my soul having a language all it's own to talk with Jesus. It's the same part of me that has always clung to the deep promise that the Spirit will intercede for us with groanings beyond words.
So, tell me what you think. Do you speak in tongues? Is it part of your faith tradition? Do you think it's weird? Scary? Beautiful? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 1
Today's Daily 5:
- Beginning a third year of making these lists
- a midafternoon yoga flow class
- a brief period of bus reading
- ice cream
- watching a bit of television on dvd
2 Full Years of Daily 5 Lists
Can you all believe it? When I sit down in a little while to write tonight's Daily 5 list, it will be the first list of the third year of counting moments of joy.
The daily 5 lists were born out of a particularly bad weekend surrounding my birthday two years back. It was the sort of weekend that I hope I never have to repeat - one filled with conflict and despair. Out of it came the desire to count smiles, moments I was thankful for. In the first days of making those lists, I struggled for every one of those five items. It took everything I had to find five little reasons to smile in a day, and in those first days and weeks, there was a lot of repetition in the items that appeared on my list at the end of each day.
These days, it's a lot easier to make the lists most of the time, and I'm thankful for that. But, more than that, I'm thankful for the ongoing quest to find joy and life that making these lists has birthed in me. I'm thankful that I spend my days (some of them anyway) looking for things that are new to add to my list, or things that are old, but were particularly sweet in a given day.
It's been 2 years - 730 days - of making lists. Here's to many, many more lists!
The daily 5 lists were born out of a particularly bad weekend surrounding my birthday two years back. It was the sort of weekend that I hope I never have to repeat - one filled with conflict and despair. Out of it came the desire to count smiles, moments I was thankful for. In the first days of making those lists, I struggled for every one of those five items. It took everything I had to find five little reasons to smile in a day, and in those first days and weeks, there was a lot of repetition in the items that appeared on my list at the end of each day.
These days, it's a lot easier to make the lists most of the time, and I'm thankful for that. But, more than that, I'm thankful for the ongoing quest to find joy and life that making these lists has birthed in me. I'm thankful that I spend my days (some of them anyway) looking for things that are new to add to my list, or things that are old, but were particularly sweet in a given day.
It's been 2 years - 730 days - of making lists. Here's to many, many more lists!
Whimsical Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Another eclectic collection of images from pinterest for today's edition of Whimsical Wednesday! Clearly I was into words this week! This week is kind of a weird mix of words that spoke to some of the deepest parts of my soul and current journey, and some things that quite simply made me laugh out loud!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 365
Today's Daily 5:
- the anticipation of knowing that finishing a book I've been working on for a while was in reach
- getting so lost in forming words in my head for later writing that I missed my bus stop
- smiling at God's perfect timing in when I ended up reading a particular book
- sweet smelling bubble bath
- chocolate and peanut butter
- a perfect new notebook
- making plans
- crossing items off of lists
- tasty leftovers
- successfully completing 2 years of making these daily 5 lists!
A Review of Sabbath by Dan Allender

How perfectly exquisite is God's sense of humor that in a week where I have been craving silence, quiet, rest, and space, one of the items on my to do list was to finally tackle Dan Allender's book on Sabbath?
I can say for certain that this book will be the centre of further conversations on my blog.
Allender offers a thoughtful and beautifully written discussion of the idea of practicing Sabbath. It's a topic I've thought often about in recent years, a topic I've listened to various speakers address, and even a topic I've read about, but I don't believe I've ever heard someone address it in a way that made me long for the sort of Sabbath they were describing. Allender's book did that for me.
The idea that the Sabbath is to be a time filled with delight is central to his premise, and is an idea striking to me - so contrary from the dry, studious, and perhaps even boring ideas of Sabbath that pepper my conservative Christian background. A day of delight - a day for hope, to set aside work, and worry, a day to enjoy the best - good food and wine, wonderful relationships, and deep conversations. That sort of description has me pondering how I can practice Sabbath in my own life and context.
I'd highly recommend this book - it's not prescriptive, but presents instead a beautiful argument for the centrality of sabbath not only to the Christian faith, but to our very ability to live full, rich lives. It's not a complicated read, but is well written, the words flowing beautifully.
As I said, it was a book that fit wonderfully into a week that found me craving quiet rest, and spoke truths that will carry forward with me into the remainder of my life.
Note: I was provided a free copy of Sabbath by the Booksneeze.com review team. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated beyond the copy of the book, and was not required to provide a positive review.
You Ask, I Answer, Take 18
Today's You Ask, I Answer question comes from Johanna, who asked:
A very good question.
The answer to the first part is this: I don't speak any languages other than English fluently.
As a product of the Canadian educational system, I have a very minimal command of French. And by minimal, I mean that I can count to 49, say hello and goodbye, please and thank you, and recognize a few other words commonly found on signs or product labels (it's the law here- all product labels, and all signs in nationally governed areas such as national parks, are in both official languages.)
As a product of parents who spent time in South America, and two years of high school instruction, I also have a minimal command of Spanish. In Spanish, I can basically say enough to communicate that I can't properly communicate. I can understand a bit more than I can speak. My Spanish is a bit better than my French, and while I wish I'd taken more in high school, I don't regret the decision to drop the language, given that the particular teacher was a fan of teaching via embarrassing her students, and after having been at her mercy in one year, (I had a wonderful teacher my first year), I was unwilling to allow that to continue! Interestingly, a close friend of mine speaks Spanish as her first language and other friends speak quite fluently as their second language, so if I can just increase my vocabulary a bit, I'll have numerous people to practice with!
The answer to the second part of the question is a bit more complex! I love language, and would love to devote some time to learning more. I would most definitely begin with Spanish, since it's a language that I absolutely love, and that is spoken in many of the parts of the world that I'd love to travel to. I would probably avoid any tonal languages (so most Asian languages are probably out) since I'm rather tone deaf and know I would struggle with them. I'm fascinated by Hebrew, by Arabic, and others. Italian, being closely related to Spanish, is also an enticing option. I have friends who speak German, and I think that might be fun to learn someday. I'm sort of of the opinion that any language you can add to your repertoire very much broadens your horizons and perspectives, and creates space within you for new things, so I definitely think that language is a worthy thing to tackle, and most definitely plan to turn my attention to Spanish in the near future!
What languages do you speak, besides English? What languages do you want to speak/learn, if you had the time/energy?
A very good question.
The answer to the first part is this: I don't speak any languages other than English fluently.
As a product of the Canadian educational system, I have a very minimal command of French. And by minimal, I mean that I can count to 49, say hello and goodbye, please and thank you, and recognize a few other words commonly found on signs or product labels (it's the law here- all product labels, and all signs in nationally governed areas such as national parks, are in both official languages.)
As a product of parents who spent time in South America, and two years of high school instruction, I also have a minimal command of Spanish. In Spanish, I can basically say enough to communicate that I can't properly communicate. I can understand a bit more than I can speak. My Spanish is a bit better than my French, and while I wish I'd taken more in high school, I don't regret the decision to drop the language, given that the particular teacher was a fan of teaching via embarrassing her students, and after having been at her mercy in one year, (I had a wonderful teacher my first year), I was unwilling to allow that to continue! Interestingly, a close friend of mine speaks Spanish as her first language and other friends speak quite fluently as their second language, so if I can just increase my vocabulary a bit, I'll have numerous people to practice with!
The answer to the second part of the question is a bit more complex! I love language, and would love to devote some time to learning more. I would most definitely begin with Spanish, since it's a language that I absolutely love, and that is spoken in many of the parts of the world that I'd love to travel to. I would probably avoid any tonal languages (so most Asian languages are probably out) since I'm rather tone deaf and know I would struggle with them. I'm fascinated by Hebrew, by Arabic, and others. Italian, being closely related to Spanish, is also an enticing option. I have friends who speak German, and I think that might be fun to learn someday. I'm sort of of the opinion that any language you can add to your repertoire very much broadens your horizons and perspectives, and creates space within you for new things, so I definitely think that language is a worthy thing to tackle, and most definitely plan to turn my attention to Spanish in the near future!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 364
Today's Daily 5:
- Waking up in my own bed
- a really positive meeting
- managing to regroup after some frustrating news and come up with alternatives
- reading in a hot bath
- a great yoga class
Still Quiet
Just like I wrote yesterday, I ended up embracing quiet.
No television, no music. Hardly any conversations. Almost no computer usage.
Just me, a journal, and a stack of books.
That was how I spent the vast majority of the day, and it was so needed, and truly lovely.
I watched a bit of television when I arrived home last night, and then sank back into quiet.
I'm still embracing quiet this morning, and plan to absorb it for much of this day as well.
I have a list of things to accomplish today. Appointments, reading, writing, little chores and tasks, hopefully a yoga class. But the plan is to absorb quiet in between those things, and even during those things.
I'm rather looking forward to it, actually.
No television, no music. Hardly any conversations. Almost no computer usage.
Just me, a journal, and a stack of books.
That was how I spent the vast majority of the day, and it was so needed, and truly lovely.
I watched a bit of television when I arrived home last night, and then sank back into quiet.
I'm still embracing quiet this morning, and plan to absorb it for much of this day as well.
I have a list of things to accomplish today. Appointments, reading, writing, little chores and tasks, hopefully a yoga class. But the plan is to absorb quiet in between those things, and even during those things.
I'm rather looking forward to it, actually.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 363
Today's Daily 5:
- sleeping somewhat restfully for the first time in a while
- yoga clothes and a cozy hoodie
- embracing quiet
- lots of time to read
- banana chocolate chip muffins
- fresh mango
- unpacking completely and resettling at home after being away for a week or so
- sorting and cleaning
- a tasty supper from Wendy's (loving the Berry Almond Chicken Salad)
- the comfort of sinking into my own bed
Craving Quiet
It's Sunday, just barely afternoon, and I'm home alone.
In a few hours, that will end, as family trickles back from the church "day at the lake" that they're enjoying today.
Lately I find myself craving quiet. The only noises in my house right now are those flowing through the windows (a bit of traffic, a lawnmower, the occasional airplane overhead, a few birds), and the sound of my keys as I type.
Usually I prefer background noise, but lately, mostly I just want the quiet. The only music I'm tolerating easily is the sort of stuff you'd hear at a spa... really gentle flowing sounds, mixed with nature - water and birds and wind.
I tried several of the things I normally enjoy on these quiet Sundays - watching a church service online from a church I love in California, turning on the food network in the background as I sit and putter online. None of them lasted long. Just quiet today.
I think my soul is craving some stillness. Some soft ways to soothe pain and restlessness.
I'm leaning towards a day spent reading and resting. I have several books that I need to make some progress in. Some for personal growth, some for pure interest and entertainment, some because I simply made a commitment to read them.
I'm needing to tackle some journaling that has been on hold, and to quietly sit and plan the coming week - making sure to create the time and space necessary for the self-care and quiet that my spirit seems to be craving in greater abundance right now.
So, quiet it is. For now anyway.
I slept a bit late, and then laid in bed reading, waiting for the house to empty, and giving myself permission to not need to know exactly what was going on, to simply rest and wait for the quiet to descend.
I sat and read a number of reflections that Christianne wrote, that had been collecting in my google reader all week - waiting for me to have the quiet space to absorb them, allowing her words, reminders and reflections to rest and stir in my heart as I sat here in the arm chair, talking quietly to Jesus.
And now I'm going to read, to eat a little, to write and pray, and maybe even nap again. To embrace quiet until my soul is satisfied, filled up again, and ready to re-emerge.
In a few hours, that will end, as family trickles back from the church "day at the lake" that they're enjoying today.
Lately I find myself craving quiet. The only noises in my house right now are those flowing through the windows (a bit of traffic, a lawnmower, the occasional airplane overhead, a few birds), and the sound of my keys as I type.
Usually I prefer background noise, but lately, mostly I just want the quiet. The only music I'm tolerating easily is the sort of stuff you'd hear at a spa... really gentle flowing sounds, mixed with nature - water and birds and wind.
I tried several of the things I normally enjoy on these quiet Sundays - watching a church service online from a church I love in California, turning on the food network in the background as I sit and putter online. None of them lasted long. Just quiet today.
I think my soul is craving some stillness. Some soft ways to soothe pain and restlessness.
I'm leaning towards a day spent reading and resting. I have several books that I need to make some progress in. Some for personal growth, some for pure interest and entertainment, some because I simply made a commitment to read them.
I'm needing to tackle some journaling that has been on hold, and to quietly sit and plan the coming week - making sure to create the time and space necessary for the self-care and quiet that my spirit seems to be craving in greater abundance right now.
So, quiet it is. For now anyway.
I slept a bit late, and then laid in bed reading, waiting for the house to empty, and giving myself permission to not need to know exactly what was going on, to simply rest and wait for the quiet to descend.
I sat and read a number of reflections that Christianne wrote, that had been collecting in my google reader all week - waiting for me to have the quiet space to absorb them, allowing her words, reminders and reflections to rest and stir in my heart as I sat here in the arm chair, talking quietly to Jesus.
And now I'm going to read, to eat a little, to write and pray, and maybe even nap again. To embrace quiet until my soul is satisfied, filled up again, and ready to re-emerge.
Move. Learn. Eat.
Have you seen these videos yet? I loved them.
MOVE from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.
EAT from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.
MOVE from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.
EAT from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 362
Today's Daily 5:
- Another nap (still having rough nights of sleep... hoping that will change soon!)
- harvesting green beans from my garden and sharing the produce with a whole bunch of family members
- a beautiful hoodie as a belated birthday gift from my brother and his girlfriend
- an extended family birthday party that was actually mostly fun (since they sometimes leave me wanting to sob from loneliness, fun is something to celebrate and be thankful for!)
- brownie cake, with whipped cream and raspberries - so good.
- bonus: my cousin (who is a chef) made an appetizer with smoked brie on toasted baguette with some sort of raspberry compote stuff. It was TASTY.
Taught to Rebel
So, two things ran through my mind when I spotted this on pinterest the other day:
- So funny!
- Don't let the folks who are into boycotting Disney see this one! It will only give them ammunition!
A Reminder from Garfield
Every so often a Garfield comic strip reminds me of lessons I'm learning about self-care, self-love, and self-confidence. This strip from earlier this week was one of those times:
I need the reminder that how I see myself matters. That I need to give myself the freedom to compliment myself and enjoy it, rather than just critique myself.
So, Garfield once again made me smile and taught me a lesson! Hurrah!
I need the reminder that how I see myself matters. That I need to give myself the freedom to compliment myself and enjoy it, rather than just critique myself.
So, Garfield once again made me smile and taught me a lesson! Hurrah!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 361
Today's Daily 5:
- a library trip
- leftover chinese take-out
- an afternoon nap
- cooking a really yummy casserole dish for the first time
- a long bath with a good book
Self-Care Inspiration
Okay y'all - I need some help!
I'm in need of your brilliance. I'm recognizing a need to do better at self-care again, and I need some inspiration.
What are your favorite ways to engage in self-care?
And perhaps more importantly, what are your favorite self-care ideas that cost $10 or less?
Share your brilliance in the comments so that all of us can benefit!
I'm in need of your brilliance. I'm recognizing a need to do better at self-care again, and I need some inspiration.
What are your favorite ways to engage in self-care?
And perhaps more importantly, what are your favorite self-care ideas that cost $10 or less?
Share your brilliance in the comments so that all of us can benefit!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 360
Today's Daily 5:
- the smell of a meadow by my bus stop, after the rain (I think it was clover that smelled so lovely)
- shared good-natured laughter with strangers on the bus when the ceiling started leaking in the rain above several of us
- flowing tears, highly therapeutic, even if painful
- chinese take-out form one of my favorite stalls
- a glass of ice wine, the anticipation of a new book to read, and sinking into a chair to watch a little bit of tv and breathe and practice self-care after an exhausting day
One Day Hiatus
I just now realized that I didn't pre-write and post a You Ask, I Answer post for today. Whoops!
The day kind of got away with me as I did some cleaning to prepare for my parent's return, and as I spent a chunk of the morning resting, trying to shake off a fairly rough night. And now I'm running out the door to some appointments.
So... You Ask, I Answer will be back on Tuesday. A few of you have sent me some new questions to see the series continue, and I'll be tackling those. In the meantime, if you have more questions, leave them in the comments! I'd love to get as many as you are willing to leave with me!
See you all tomorrow with something new, and on Tuesday when the one day hiatus of You Ask, I Answer will have ended!
The day kind of got away with me as I did some cleaning to prepare for my parent's return, and as I spent a chunk of the morning resting, trying to shake off a fairly rough night. And now I'm running out the door to some appointments.
So... You Ask, I Answer will be back on Tuesday. A few of you have sent me some new questions to see the series continue, and I'll be tackling those. In the meantime, if you have more questions, leave them in the comments! I'd love to get as many as you are willing to leave with me!
See you all tomorrow with something new, and on Tuesday when the one day hiatus of You Ask, I Answer will have ended!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 359
Today's Daily 5:
- Another day of quiet
- yoga shorts - I bought them to wear under a rather short bridesmaid dress a little over a year ago, and they've been the best thing ever for comfort and the ability to still be appropriately covered up as sleepwear (since, you know, I live with various random relatives including my grandma, parents and a sketchy uncle) during a fairly hot summer
- a really good, freshly made salad for dinner
- fresh out of the oven banana chocolate chip muffins
- having to laugh at a "seriously, seriously" twisted sense of humor moment.
- a few friends who have cheerleaded and supported me through some really difficult stuff this last year
Whimsical Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Here are some of the latest bits and pieces of pinterest inspiration to catch my eye and stir my creative instincts.
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