Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I had an absolutely insane day today.

I can't even begin to explain everything that went on today.

Office politics that usually simmer semi-calmly beneath the surface became entirely explosive. Explosive is always unique to be caught in the midst of when you're talking about pacifists like Mennonites.

No less than three people were in tears today.

Someone actually stomped out of a meeting, slammed a door, and left for the day.

And despite my incredible sensitivity to the atmosphere of a place and the emotions of others, I somehow managed to walk away from this day feeling feisty!

It's actually kind of a miracle. I started today feeling incredibly ill, and in a fair amount of pain, and fully expected, given the low energy levels that I've had for months, to barely survive the day, then come home, and collapse into bed. Instead, I walked away with the need to blow off a bit of steam (I ranted to a few friends), but feeling upbeat, and able to focus and concentrate and enter and enjoy the evening rather than collapsing into bed in exhaustion.

Of course, I did engage in "shoe therapy" on the way home and buy myself a pair of winter boots. But still, in the midst of the crazy storms of my day, I feel deeply shielded, and peaceful, and for that I'm so incredibly grateful.

Tomorrow will likely be wild as well. There will be repercussions from today, and the possibility for more fireworks. But I'll figure that out tomorrow. For tonight, I'm going to curl up with my Bible, journal, and a book and hang out with Jesus. (and maybe play a computer game for a bit too...)