Friday, March 16, 2007

One of those weeks

This has been one of "those" fabled weeks. Seems like all sorts of things have gone haywire, the stress has piled right on, and generally I've been hit by all kinds of personal struggles as well.

I think I'm glad it's Friday afternoon. Not too much of the day left, then two whole days to forget about work and just vegetate at home for a while!

I've also been sort of sick. Not sure exactly what's going on, but while a semi-positive attitude has held up fairly well under the stress, my body hasn't done quite as well. I took a half-day sick day yesterday, left work at noon, and went home, and laid in bed for the rest of the afternoon. (Seems I don't sleep in the afternoon these days either.)

Seriously, if you know any good sleep remedies, let me know. I woke up five times last night between 3:20 and 6:30 when I finally had to get up. The only saving grace was that I actually slept solidly for about 4 hours before the waking up started. The whole insomnia thing has never been that uncommon for me, but this stretch (2 and a half months now) may be the longest I've ever experience without sleeping properly through the night. Some nights as I fall asleep, I literally beg God to let me sleep a whole 5 or 6 straight hours. Seems crazy, even to me!

And with that, I'm back to work. There's mail to sort, and things to do!

A longer, more "meaningful" post coming tonight or sometime over the course of the weekend, I promise. I've been doing lots of thinking this week, I just need to find the time to process it all enough to write it down.