Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Thankful List (Daily 5)

Today I'm thankful for:

  • a far away best friend who promises she's cheerleading for me
  • the fact that in two and a half weeks I'll be getting on an airplane to spend a week in a spot where palm trees grow outdoors
  • a long phone conversation tonight with a dear friend
  • that even though the weather today was terrible (-35C with the windchill), at least it was bright and sunny
  • my ipad mini that lets me read on the bus
  • baking banana bread in my toaster oven (even though I burnt it a bit)
  • that when I burned my hand on the toaster oven door, it wasn't serious
  • good friends in my nursing program
  • that I only have 6 shifts left in acute inpatient psychiatric nursing
  • a super cozy throw blanket
  • the sense of being surrounded and upheld
  • vitamins