Monday, May 07, 2012

Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 259

Today's Daily 5:

  1. Pajama Day
  2. 30 Rock (so loving Tina Fey lately)
  3. art journaling
  4. a glass of white wine
  5. making the most of my last couple days of inter-semester break

Honeycomb Tombs

I'm kicking off this week by talking about grief.  Cheery, no?

Actually, what I really want to do is tell you about the new album, Honeycomb Tombs, that my friend Karla Adolphe is releasing on May 15, 2012.

I've known Karla for close to a decade now, and can honestly say that she is one of the few musicians who consistently draws my heart into a place of connecting with Jesus in the places I need it most, each and every I hear her play live, or listen to her albums.  Because of that, I'm delighted to be telling you a little bit about her new album, Honeycomb Tombs, today.

The following text describing the purpose of this album comes from Karla's website:

About a year ago Karla was privileged to be at the hospital when a dear family said goodbye to their daughter. In the midst of that beautiful and heart-wrenching day Karla witnessed music play an important role in the early stages of grief.

The goal of this project is to create a FREE digital album that walks alongside those in the midst of grief; a collection of music, spaces, poetry and stories that can be played while you journal, take a drive, cry or nap.

Over the last two years, a number of my close friends have lost people dear to them - parents, children, friends.  I've watched other friends grieve as they faced major and unexpected life challenges.  I've done a great deal of that sort of grieving myself.

Last Thursday I sat on a bus with my journal, heading off to an evening engagement, and listened to a pre-release copy of Honeycomb Tombs for the first time.  It had been a day full of many harder life realities, and Karla's voice and lyrics spoke directly to my heart in that space.  I found myself feeling teary, ushered into a place of knowing again that Jesus sees me, that he knows me, even in the spaces where my heart aches the most.

I've listened to the album several more times since that first time through, and each time it has met me in deep heart places, and carried me to Jesus, to a place of listening and conversation, to a place of feeling the things I'd rather not, and also to a place of healing amidst those things.  As I've listened, I've thought about the friends who have faced deep grief over the past number of years, and wished this album had been available for me to share with them.

Since Karla shared her vision for this album, I've been excited to support it.  I'm even more excited to tell you that on May 15, 2012 you'll be able to download Honeycomb Tombs for FREE at! I hope you'll all take advantage of this album download, and use it for your own times of meeting with Jesus in the deep heart places, but particularly that you'll share it with those around you who are walking a journey of grieving.

If you're interested in reviewing Honeycomb Tombs, or learning more about the album, please feel free to email Karla.

And if you download the album on May 15th, make sure you come back and tell me what you think.  I'm pretty confident that it will move all of you just as much as it has touched my heart.