Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 260

Today's Daily 5:
  1. Visiting the zoo and seeing Baby Jengo, the newest baby giraffe.  (I totally giggled when I read his birth statistics - he was born 6'6" tall and weighing 185 pounds!)
  2. Sitting in a warm, humid garden at the zoo, under a palm tree, watching butterflies
  3. listening to a podcast interview with Anne Jackson
  4. making an appointment for a massage on Friday
  5. taking photos
  6. laughing over dinner conversation with my friend F.  (She knows exactly the right moments to make me laugh - I've got a fork ready for the awkward conversation I'm dreading on Friday!)  I love dinner with a friend where the topics covered range from work stories, to books, to crazy experiences with God.
  7. a good treatment tonight
  8. curling up in bed, with candles lit
  9. the way my newish earring organizer catches the light from the candles
  10. dozing on the couch this afternoon


I'm heading out to the zoo in a few minutes.  It's been months since I spent time at my favorite place, and I need it today.

I've had a headache, with intensity varying from disabling, to nipping at the edges of my consciousness, for 8 straight days.

I have some big decisions to make, and some big prayer for myself and others needs on my heart.

So I'm going to the zoo.

To visit my gorillas, and some palm trees.

To walk and think and pray.

To hopefully hear from Jesus, and find rest and peace.

To consider trust, and healing.

Later today I'm having dinner with a long time friend, and then I have a natural health treatment that I'm hoping against hope will alleviate the headache.

But for now, I'm off to spend some time in a place that has always been peaceful for me.  To take back some of that space in my heart and head that other voices and things had occupied.  To take back a physical space that I haven't been able to occupy in a while.  To just be for a bit.