Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bono and Bill Hybels

I had a chance tonight to watch an interview that Bono did last summer with Bill Hybels for the Leadership Summit 2006. It was being shown at a local church, and my best friend was going, so I tagged along with her.

It was fantastic. If you get the chance to see it, you should. And if you know me, and would like to see it, let me know. My dad has a copy, and I'm thinking of setting up a viewing for a bunch of friends.

It was funny, profound, and even musical - basically all the things that are best about that famed Irish rock star named Bono. And it raises some beautiful questions.

My favorite line (loosely paraphrased)? "We need to stop asking God to bless what we're doing, and start looking for where he's already working and go there, because He is blessing that."