Saturday, January 16, 2010

Daily 5 - Day 157

I know I started this morning by saying I was pondering some good thoughts, and I'd likely be back later to share them.


I had the best kind of Saturday.  A little bit of time with my family.  A few successful errands.  A lot of quiet time alone in the house (I actually really needed that after the week I've had.)  Some reading.  Some creative stuff.  It was good.

I'm still pondering those good thoughts.  Maybe I'll write about them tomorrow.  We'll see.  I want to let them settle within me for a while and make themselves at home before I share them with the world.

So, in the meantime, here's today's daily 5:
  1. Got the oil in George changed.  My brother J. is out of work at the moment and agreed to change the oil for me for what I normally pay my mechanic.  It thrilled me to have that item off of my to do list.
  2. Hung out with T for a while.  Fun to talk with him, and then with our dad and J. as well about our lives and changes coming for us.
  3. Love dollar days at Sobeys.  Contrary to popular belief, I actually don't hate grocery shopping, I just have a strong dislike for the store that we shop at on a weekly basis.  Sobeys has a much better atmosphere, and they had a sale this week.  Things like 3lbs of bacon for the price of one.  Sweet deal.  I went this morning and stocked up on a number of items.
  4. I very consciously spent about 40 minutes reading this afternoon.  Lately, reading for me has been in kind of snatched moments here and there (I actually do a lot of reading in the bathroom!)  It was nice to spend 40 straight minutes working through a book I'm trying to finish.  It was better still that God was speaking and encouraging my heart in what I was reading.
  5. I spent a good chunk of the afternoon clipping words, pictures, articles and recipes out of magazines so that I could recycle everything I don't need from the magazines.  It was so relaxing to sit and clip things, and sort of enlightening, too, to consider which words and phrases are catching my attention right now, and to consider how those reflect shifts in how I'm dealing with life, and the desires of my heart for the coming year and beyond.
  6. I woke up this morning with this spot running through my mind.  I heard about it in an audio book I'm working my way through, and think that this is a place I'd really love to visit.  Anyone want to make a trip to Turkey with me?
  7. the color pink
  8. oil burner with lavender and lavender scented candles lit all around my house today.
  9. organic dried pineapple - tasty!
  10. playing a few games online... fun way to turn my brain off for a bit.

Apparently I'm a Thinker (The Book Test)

The idea that I'm a thinker is news to exactly no one who's ever met me.  (Though one person did read something I wrote once and come up to me and ask where on earth it came from, because I was quite quiet and reserved, and she'd sort of made the assumption that there was little beyond the surface in me.  That conversation has amused me ever since...)

In any case, here are the latest quiz results to make me chuckle...

You Are a Thinker

You tend to have your feet on the ground. You think about what's actual, and you love facts.

You are a rational person. You like to think through ideas, and you like the thoughts that books spark.

You are a person with a few deep interests. If you're drawn to something, you learn everything about it.

You are a person who values your possessions. You tend to have fewer things but of higher quality.

Come Church Arise from Joe Jones on Vimeo.

Good Thoughts Brewing

I have some good thoughts brewing.

Thoughts about a photo of my Grandma.

And the color pink.

And some cards that came in the mail last night, that I'm going to frame.

And newness.

And direction for the coming year.

And travel maybe?

All of those thoughts are brewing this morning.

And I will write them later.  Or at least that's the plan.

But for the moment, I have a "to do" list that needs tackling.

And it starts with meeting one brother to get the oil changed in George.

And the other brother for some hanging out time.

I have a list.  And good thoughts brewing.

I'm going to choose to focus on those things.

And not on the things that could hurt.

Or make me afraid.

Because focusing on them gives them a certain degree of strength.

A trap I've fallen into often.

(And recently.)

So, they exist.

And they will be thought about, and dealt with as necessary.

But for the moment I'm going to choose other things.

Good thoughts brewing.

And a list of "to do's".

In the Vein of Things That Make Me Laugh

My brother T. told me this joke earlier tonight, and while it is absolutely a groaner, it made me laugh.

What did the fish say when it swam into a wall?


Which totally reminds me of my favorite groaner joke, told to me by a friend who knows I have a fondness for saints.

Who is the patron saint of email?

St. Francis of a cc.