Friday, June 29, 2007

What I'm Thinking About (in no particular order)

There are a lot of seemingly random things on my mind at the moment, and I thought I'd take a stab at writing them down here before I head to bed. (And can I just say that I am absolutely in love with whichever genius made it possible for me to be laying in bed, typing a blog post on my laptop, which is connected to the wider world via a wireless connection...)

I've been thinking about those people who challenge my concept of what it means to live simply. I've been impacted again this week by Shane Claiborne and the Simple Way community in Philadelphia. Their home burnt to the ground last week in a seven alarm fire that started in an abandoned factory across the street. Several other homes in the community were also destroyed. If you go to their website you can watch a great video, showing footage of the fire, and find opportunities to donate money and help rebuild. You can find the website here.

I've been thinking about the times when it seems impossible to make a just choice. I was reminded this week that the little things count. I work for Mennonites. Because of their justice loving, and pacifist nature, when I chose the funds that the company will invest my RRSP contributions into, I had the option to choose what they call ethical investments. So I did. This means that my money is not supporting tobacco companies, and more importantly, that it is not supporting armament manufacturers.

I read a powerful book this week. The story of some guys about my age who travelled from the Southernmost tip of Africa to Egypt, primarily via dirt bikes. The story of what the author learned about himself over the course of the journey. It is ultimately a story of faith in the face of unspeakable tragedy, and I greatly enjoyed it. I also liked that the publishers allowed the story to not resolve - that they honored the questions instead of rushing for answers. The title? It's called "The Only Road North" and is by a guy named Erik Mirandette.

I watched a fun movie with Megs tonight. "Ratatouille". Very fun. A kids movie, but with lots of enjoyable humor and a feel good message about living to the fullness of who you are.

Ben and Jerry's makes a great raspberry sorbet. This is important news. Especially since it doesn't contain milk or milk extracts. I can eat as much of this as I want without paying for it in stomach ailments for the next three days.

Work was nearly unbearable today. Everyone was grouchy and stressed and it seemed to be catching. It was however, my weekly Subway lunch day with one of my coworkers and that as always was enjoyable.

I start moving on Monday. I started packing last night. Books mostly so far. I think I have five or six boxes of books packed, and two more bookcases left to empty.

I'm loving the music that Jacob and Lily are making these days. I listen to their album at least once ever couple days at work. I think I played it three times in a row this afternoon, since it was making me smile with fond memories, and was helping me work to avoid catching the grumpy mood floating around the office.

I'm going to do some more packing tomorrow, some church admin work, maybe watch a movie, do some errands, drive T. to and from work, and just generally hang out and enjoy a quiet house - I love when the house is empty.

I'm doing the Stampede thing in a big way this year, because my new roommate only gets one shot at it in the year she's here, and wants to see everything. So we're going to the cheap "sneak-a-peek" night - $3 admission, and Jann Arden is playing the Coke Stage. I like Jann Arden. We're also going to see the rodeo on the first Saturday afternoon, and the Grandstand show on a yet to be determined evening, as well as touring the barns, exhibits and grounds. I'm excited for the rodeo, not so much for the grandstand show, but think it'll be a good time.

I think I've found a Bible study group to hang out with for the next while. They eat together one meeting a month, make it a priority to be together every week in various people's homes, worship, pray and study the Word together. I like that. I like that right now there's no formal "pastor" figure. I like that these are simply people who have made it a priority to spend time together in the presence of God each week.

I am loving sending real mail these days. Send me you're mailing address and you'll get a card! Probably a funny card, as I have a slightly twisted sense of humor. I bought one the other day that was captioned "Amish Road Rage" - you can picture the scenes depicted.

And with that, I think I'm going to read for a bit and head to bed...

See you around!