Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 206

Today's Daily 5:

  1. A quiet lunch hour all to myself
  2. a guest speaker on TB that was quite fascinating
  3. leftover pizza
  4. finishing teaching a 10 minute lesson that I'd been dreading
  5. knowing I don't have to get up until an hour later tomorrow

Whimsical Wednesday, March 13, 2012

This week's Whimsical Wednesday is even more scattered and eclectic than usual, but I have to admit that each of these images offers a tiny little insight into who I am.  As always, I'd love to hear if any of these images provoke some sort of reaction for you.

Source: via Lisa on Pinterest

Source: via Lisa on Pinterest

Source: via Lisa on Pinterest

Source: via Lisa on Pinterest