Sunday, September 27, 2009

Daily 5 - Day 47

Today's Daily 5:

  1. Laughing with L. along the course of our 11 hour journey
  2. The perfect sunshine, fall sky, and lighting for walking and photo taking
  3. That George handled the nearly 500 kilometers we put him through without a hitch
  4. moments that confirmed in the funniest ways that only I could know that I was walking where I needed to be today
  5. The comfort of my pjs and bed after a VERY long and full day. I'm really excited about being in the pjs and in bed.


It's Sunday morning, fairly early, and I'm awake.

Partly because my alarm just went off, reminding me that I need to be out the door in an hour, with a full day ahead.

Partly because I slept minimally all night. Tossing and turning, trying to quiet my brain. And dreaming in the few moments I did sleep.

I thought of two other friends who struggle with sleep as I lay awake at one point, and prayed that I was the only one of the three of us awake. Sort of one of those odd prayers where you tell God that if I have to be awake, can I have their struggles to, so that they can sleep?

I have a very full day ahead. Lots of driving, and some walking and thinking and praying. I'll perhaps talk more about it tonight. A day that feels a bit weighty to me. Like a step backwards towards some things that nearly destroyed me, and yet also a step forwards towards a calling and dream from God.

It's early, and I'm lying here in the dark, putting off my day for just a few more minutes. Catching up on the lives of friends around the blog world. Thinking, praying, waiting.

Time to get up.