Sunday, January 16, 2011

Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 153

This has been one of those weeks where it becomes clear that the Daily 5 is still a very necessary discipline in my life.  It's also been one of those weeks when coming up with items to put on this list has been a far greater stretch.  That said, it confirms that this is still an exercise that is helpful to me, and so I continue to make these lists.

Today's Daily 5:
  1. A longish sleep last night
  2. playing Zuma Blitz on facebook
  3. making time today for a bit of pleasure reading instead of textbooks
  4. a bubble bath
  5. the chocolate chip cookies I baked yesterday
  6. showing up in the #OneWord2011 Daily Paper again today
  7. watching a fascinating documentary on birth
  8. a treatment from mom

Wolves and Sheep and The Ache

I came across the video below on Carla Harding's blog the other night.

I am a university student again, and while I don't relate with all of this this time around, some of it is still deeply powerful, and it's definitely worth listening to.

Not long after watching this, I also came across this cartoon at nakedpastor.  It spoke to the same parts of me that the video did. I think far too often I've been a victim of the second frame from the cartoon, rather than the first.  Wolves among Sheep, instead of Sheep Among Wolves.