Thursday, March 31, 2011

Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 227

Today's Daily 5:
  1. kicking my day off by having a fabulous conversation over tea with a friend
  2. friends who are walking out and learning some of the same lessons that my heart is learning
  3. a job interview that was actually almost fun (when was the last time you had a job interview where one of the questions was "what is the best compliment you've ever received?")
  4. Getting the job!
  5. I invited a long time friend to come and be our guest teacher at house church tonight on "hearing God's voice."  he did a great job, and the results and exercises were fabulous.

So today:
  • I'm feeling slightly revived after one of the better sleeps I've had in several weeks
  • I'm spending the morning with a friend, having coffee and catching up
  • I need to study Greek and Latin word bases in preparation for a quiz tomorrow
  • I have a job interview
  • I'm wearing a necklace that I really like
  • I'm praying for house church tonight, and for the friend who I asked to come as a guest speaker/teacher for the evening.
  • I'm thinking about some laughable moments that may ensue
  • I'll be applying for several more jobs
  • I'm hoping the sun is out (I live in a basement, and I haven't seen outside yet)
  • I'm scraping through my closet, trying to find job interview appropriate clothing.  My student wardrobe consists of a lot of jeans and hoodies.  I haven't exactly used a lot of my office employee wardrobe in the last year.
  • I'm thinking about how every time I do eagle pose (the arm part, more than the leg part) in a yoga class, I end up sore the next day, because it stretches and pulls the parts of my shoulders and upper back that remain tight and sensitive, over a year after the car accident that injured them.
  • For the moment anyway, I'm mostly smiling