(one of those happiness lists that are equivalent to low doses of anti-depressants!)
- An email from my best friend, now in Ireland, telling me about being invited to a "formal" this weekend, and worrying about possibly having to dance.
- The prospect of a trip to see Marty and Kari this weekend (assuming the weather doesn't get totally horrendous)
- A poem by Leonard Cohen (see my last post.)
- The movie "Secondhand Lions"
- Chocolate covered almonds
- Subway lunch today with a great coworker
- A relatively clean bedroom
- A whole stack of books on my desk, just waiting to be read.
- A stable financial situation for the moment
- Blogger working properly and a successful migration to the new blogger
- A decent week so far at work.
- A new friend
- A fairly okay first ever youth girls Bible study last weekend
- Knowing that loving on the youth girls is something God is enabling me to do right now
- Passion Tea
- Hot pink crocs (have I mentioned that I've become a crocs evangelist?)
- My best friend coming back to Canada in just over a week.
- Pictures of a friend's new baby
- magic bag - can you say fantastic for those cold winter nights?
- The beauty of the snow covering everything right now (if not the temperatures necessary for all the snow to be falling)