Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Just Because I Could Use It

Things that are making me smile
(one of those happiness lists that are equivalent to low doses of anti-depressants!)
  1. An email from my best friend, now in Ireland, telling me about being invited to a "formal" this weekend, and worrying about possibly having to dance.
  2. The prospect of a trip to see Marty and Kari this weekend (assuming the weather doesn't get totally horrendous)
  3. A poem by Leonard Cohen (see my last post.)
  4. The movie "Secondhand Lions"
  5. Chocolate covered almonds
  6. Subway lunch today with a great coworker
  7. A relatively clean bedroom
  8. A whole stack of books on my desk, just waiting to be read.
  9. A stable financial situation for the moment
  10. Blogger working properly and a successful migration to the new blogger
  11. A decent week so far at work.
  12. A new friend
  13. A fairly okay first ever youth girls Bible study last weekend
  14. Knowing that loving on the youth girls is something God is enabling me to do right now
  15. Passion Tea
  16. Hot pink crocs (have I mentioned that I've become a crocs evangelist?)
  17. My best friend coming back to Canada in just over a week.
  18. Pictures of a friend's new baby
  19. magic bag - can you say fantastic for those cold winter nights?
  20. The beauty of the snow covering everything right now (if not the temperatures necessary for all the snow to be falling)
That's all for now folks! I have reading to do, and then sleeping!