Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I am one of the fakes...

Out of the thousands
who are known
or who want to be known
as poets,
maybe one or two
are genuine
and the rest are fakes,
hanging around the sacred precincts
trying to look like the real thing.
Needless to say
I am one of the fakes,
and this is my story.

I fell in love with this poem, by Leonard Cohen (in Book of Longing) when I first read it. I think I may put it as the facing page/introduction to the first book I ever write.

How beautiful a concept, that even the fakes, the failures, the ones with pretense and the ones without, all of us have a right, and hopefully an inbred desire and ability to tell our story.

I read something on Donald Miller's website just after Christmas, where he was talking about working to tell a better story with his life this year. About living fully and intentionally.

I like that.

I am not (usually) a poet.

I am one of the fakes.
And this is my story.


Kirk Holloway said...

Ah, Lisa, that poem's fantastic!!! Love that one... (being one of the fakes, myself :) )