Thursday, November 08, 2007

I Saw What I Saw

Watched this tonight. It reminds me of a dear friend - I hear her heart in the lyrics Sara Groves sings. (And really, if you don't know Sara's music, you need to check it out...)


For months now, there's been a one line refrain playing through my head as I go through the days. A prayer of sorts, with music, though I can't place the song as one I've heard anywhere but in my head. (If you recognize it, do tell me, would you please?) I've never said anything about the fact that I've had the same line playing through my head for months - I've just treasured the prayer that it is in my heart, as the cry of my heart to the Lord... Today, though, it's bursting out of me.

"Abba, Father, let me be yours and yours alone."

The Communion of Saints - Henri Nouwen

I feel like this has been a morning full of whispers, and I'm quite sure that I will be sitting down to write later today sometime... in the meantime, I have yet another bit from Henri Nouwen for your enjoyment.

The Communion of Saints

We often limit the Church to the organisation of people who identify themselves clearly as its members. But the Church as all people belonging to Christ, as that body of witnesses who reveal the living Christ, reaches far beyond the boundaries of any human institution. As Jesus himself said: The Spirit "blows where it pleases" (John 3:8). The Spirit of Jesus can touch hearts wherever it wants; it is not restrained by any human limits.

There is a communion of saints witnessing to the risen Christ that reaches to the far ends of the world and even farther. It embraces people from long ago and far away. It is that immense community of men and women who through words and deeds have proclaimed and are proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus.