So, without further ado, here is the latest list of things I'm thankful for - Things that Make Me Smile!
- David Crowder Band's song "All That I Can Say" played on repeat
- showers where you don't have to worry about the hot water running out
- blackberries
- strawberries
- the Nooma film "Open"
- three new novels to read
- little reminders of things and people that I love, such as necklace made of shells
- clean smelling damp hair
- a new watch (since my previous one died this morning, and I rely on it for my alarm)
- 2 work days left
- lavender scented candles
- a favorite blanket to wrap up in for the evening, and curl up against my face while I sleep
- green apple lip balm from Rocky Mountain Soap Company
- a deepening friendship with my roommate
- an evening spent watching "America's Next Top Model," laughing, and eating mango with my roommate
- pink toenails
- curling up in my favorite chair
- a clean bedroom
- the crucifix I bought in Rome
- thirst
- that it's been nearly two weeks since we've seen or heard mice in our house
- comfort foods
- cheese
- Lamentations chapter 3 (in either "The Message" or The New Living Translation)
- a reprieve from the struggle and the foul mood I've been buried in all week
- that I actually took three major items off my "to do" list at work today
- Jason Upton's "Open up the Earth" album, particularly the spontaneous disk.