Things I'm going to miss like crazy after spending two lovely weeks in Florida (I head home tonight):
- playing peek-a-boo with A.
- waking up to baby giggles, cries, and babbling
- faces that break into a smile when I appear
- K's various quinoa concoctions
- listening to theology lectures any time we drive anywhere
- frozen yogurt
- sunshine
- warm temperatures even when it rains
- long conversations with K & J
- taking our cameras with us, and always taking the time to capture the shots
- lazy days with netflix while the baby sleeps
- grouchily responding to Jillian Michaels while we do her Yoga Meltdown workouts
- Target
- long conversations about life, abortion, and all sorts of other hot topics
- safe friends for venting
- glasses of wine on the harder days
- hugs from good friends