Monday, February 25, 2008

Quick thoughts...

Can I just say that when I set my mind to cooking, I'm very good at it? I had a fantastic dinner last night... Sweet chili beef and peppers and onions, done in a wrap, with lettuce, and tzatziki sauce. (And carrot sticks on the side). So good.

Also, I made significant progress on my list of "things still to do today" from my last post. Over half-way done (which is way more than I expected.)

I got some good time in journalling. I lit candles, and made my bedroom back into a peaceful, prayerful space, instead of a dumping zone for my belongings. I have a list of things that need to get done this week (yes, I'm back to using the list method of organizing my life.) I gracefully extricated myself from a committment I never wanted to be a part of anyway, giving myself one more free night to be at home, resting and writing this week. (The need for rest and quiet has been huge lately, and writing wise, my brand new journal, purchased the day after I returned home, and begun on Valentines Day is nearly a third full. The words have been coming - on paper at least - since coming home.) I burnt incense (a gift from Shelley) for the first time since coming home... I needed to smell it last night. I needed the reminders it carries with it.

And, I think I slept for almost 5.5 hours. Still tons of dreams. There hasn't been a night without the dreams since coming home, but, even though they remained full and intense last night, I don't feel quite as exhausted this morning.

Plus, I had a walk and train ride into work that was full of interesting thoughts for further exploration, all of which I quickly jotted in my journal on the last leg of the train ride.

This could actually be an okay Monday!


Natalie said...

I like your term, "dumping zone for my belongings!" That's what my bedroom sometimes is too!

Your dinner sounded so delicious! Count me in, next time you are cooking! Well, okay, maybe not. The 16 hour commute is a minor factor!

Take Care,


Lisa said...

Hey Natalie... well, the next time you decide to make the 16 hour commute, let me know, and I'll happily cook for you! (It's always more fun when you're cooking for more than just yourself!) Maybe you should plan a visit to Calgary/Canmore sometime this summer?
