Monday, February 25, 2008

Wardrobe Issues

I’m having wardrobe issues, and financial issues. The financial issues are exacerbating the mild stress I’m feeling over my wardrobe issues.

It would seem that the weight I inadvertently lost while traveling (astounding given the fact that I ate meals consisting primarily of pasta, bread, meat and chocolate), in combination with the bit of weight I lost due to stress and illness before I left to begin traveling, has rendered all of my dress pants basically unwearable. I can wear one pair with a belt, if I wear a long top over it to hide the bunches of fabric. The other main pair doesn’t even have belt loops, and now sits on my hips in approximately the way a pair of low rise jeans would – which would almost be wearable, except that sitting that much lower has now rendered the pants about two inches two long.

I own many skirts, and thankfully, most of those seem to fit. However, those of you who know what winter is like in Alberta will realize that someone who commutes via walking and public transportation is not able to just wear a skirt. That someone will require tights, and possibly boots to wear with the skirt. I presently own one pair of tights, and one pair of boots. Both in brown. Which is fine, but only matches half of my clothing. So, despite the fact that I have only about $100 to my name (and all but $100 of the paycheque I receive this week will go to bills – travel is wonderful isn’t it??), I am going to be forced to spend $10-15 on a pair of black tights (in order to expand my work wardrobe options), with the logic that it is better to spend $10-15 on tights when money is tight, than $40-60 on a new pair of dress pants.

Ah, well… I suppose clothes being too big is a problem most women would jump at having… I’m certainly not upset about the weight loss, just the financial difficulties of the inability to wear certain key pieces of my wardrobe!


Allie, Dearest said...

This is one of the reasons why I'm hoping to be able to tailor my own clothes. I don't have the funds to re-suit myself now.

So lots of really baggy pants with long shirts is the order of the day.

I feel you on this one.


PS: Stumbling Toward Faith is so far amazing. Thanks for that comment.

Lisa said...

I don't know if I'd have the patience to learn to tailor my own clothes.

I bought another pair of tights tonight, and came home and told my roommate that we were going to have to pray that the weather doesn't get bad again. As long as it doesn't get much more than -5 C I can make tights and skirts or tights and capri pants work...

I may have to hit the local thrift shops in search of dress pants...

Glad you're liking Stumbling Toward Faith - I read it at least once a year. I read it first at a moment when I was severely depressed, suicidal, and completely convinced that no one in the world understood what it was to ask really big questions about God and faith. It was the first step back towards light and eventual healing to know that someone else was asking those sorts of questions.

Natalie said...

Hhhhmmm...perhaps God is telling me to learn to tailor my own clothes? I hope not....I hate sowing!

"Stumbling Toward Faith." Sounds like a book I might like to get my hands on.