Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Most Read Posts March 2011

The following ten posts were the ones that attracted the most readers in March:
  1. Giving up Lent for Lent - in which I talk about the fact that this year what I decided to give up for Lent was, well, practicing Lent.
  2. Further Thoughts on Lent - in which I qualify the idea that I'd given up Lent, and expound just a little bit further
  3. Facebook Status Updates that Will Never Make it - still the post that gets the most google hits.  Doesn't seem to matter that it's one of my least favorite posts, and was written in the midst of a mild spat of passive agressive angst during a particularly dramatic day at the office that my roommates lovingly referred to as "The Soap Opera" as in, I would arrive home from work, and one of them would ask, "So, what happened at the soap opera today?"
  4. A Thing in Your Nose - in which I encounter a church lady who had apparently not noticed that I'd pierced my nose three years ago.  As usual, when I encounter a church lady, humor ensues.  Also the post with my favorite story from someone else about their own nose piercing and church lady experience, left in the comments by Kirsten.
  5. Reverb 11 - March - the March Reverb post, in which I talk about how I'd spend the last month of my life
  6. Transit Evangelism - Evangelism, being a public nuisance.  All part and parcel of an early Monday morning on the train.  Also, apparently Pentecostal's aren't Christians!
  7. The Lesson of the Present Moment - God should use me, but definitely shouldn't ask me to change.
  8. High Tea and Hotsprings - some thoughts and photos from a perfect day spent with one of "my people"
  9. The Virtue of Flexibility - some thoughts from Henri Nouwen
  10. Mini Reviews (Part 4) - the fourth collection of short book reviews that I've written.