Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Most Read Posts February 2011

It's a new month.  More on that later or in the days to come.  In the meantime, here are the most read posts on my blog for the month of February.

Shifting Perspective - This post is one of my favorites that I've written recently.  I talk about the moment in which I truly noticed a shift in my inner dialogue, beginning to recognize the fruit of all the time I've spent making Daily 5 lists over the last year and a half.

Coming Into Herself - Reflecting again on Grey's Anatomy and how God has so often spoken to me through a show that most write off as a trashy prime-time soap opera.

Resting - A placeholder, declaring quiet, while I headed off for a week's vacation.

Mini Reviews (Part 3) - Reviewing two different books.  One not so recommended, and one that profoundly shaped my thoughts and life over the last six months.

Facebook Status Updates that Will Never Make It - the post that will not go away, and still garners regular search results, written after a particularly trying day during the time period where I was still employed by the job that my roommates fondly referred to as "The Soap Opera", asking for updates on the latest drama each night when I arrived home.

The Age of the Personal - a brilliant excerpt from Robert Benson's book "In Constant Prayer"

Discerning Voices - February was the month for talking about the voices and influences on my life, about what and who was shaping my thinking, and this post reflects that in its discussion of discerning which voices are helpful and which are harmful.

I am Learning - One of those rare posts where the words simply flowed, pecked out letter by letter on my iPhone as I waited at a bus stop.  Again, the shifting perspective that showed up in February.

Comfort Zone - a moment of lightness, courtesy of The Big Bang Theory

Homeward Bound - the end of my time away, sitting in an airport, with plans to come home and steal one last weekend of rest.