Tuesday, February 02, 2010

And Repeat

When I made it home last night, I did the minimum.  I cooked dinner, washed a few dishes, and headed for bed.  Not really to sleep right away, but simply because I was so exhausted that I just couldn't move anymore.  I did a few things from my bed - a few emails, a phone call or two, but mostly I just watched a dvd and played a game online.

I did manage to sleep a bit better last night, and for that I was very thankful.

I'm a little less sore today.  It's been a week, now, since the accident.  This time last Tuesday I was sitting in a truck, on the median of deerfoot trail, waiting for the police to show up.  (They took about an hour and a half to arrive.)  I remain thankful for the many small blessings of that day.

And so, I'm back at work again.  Another bus and train and walk later.

And I have another busy day at work ahead, and am still pretty low energy.  I'm thankful that my body is healing slowly.  But I'm guessing that tonight will be kind of like last night.  I'll go home, make dinner, and head for bed, maybe doing a few little tasks once I get there, but mostly letting myself rest.

It's an "and repeat" sort of day.