Sunday, January 17, 2010

Daily 5 - Day 158

Today's Daily 5:
  1. A slow Sunday
  2. Grocery shopping is done for the week - I asked my roommate if we could please do this today, so that I can free up an evening this week, recognizing that I need to have a bit of down time this week.
  3. Used a kit and made tandoori beef and basmati rice tonight.  It was actually pretty tasty.  Indian food can be totally hit and miss for me.  I tend to really like the idea of it, and then sit down to eat it and realize that while I love the idea, and even some of the smells, I don't always love the taste.  It was nice to have the idea and the taste mesh tonight.  Plus, the kit was a bonus points item at Sobeys yesterday.  About $4 for the kit, and I got 40 bonus points, which translates to 20 aeroplan miles.  (Have I mentioned I'm eager to travel again???)
  4. Yoga.  I was in the midst of a downward funk this morning and needed to do something to distract myself.  I chose to do a yoga workout and then take a long shower.  It helped.
  5. Finishing a book.  I mentioned that in my previous post, but I've been reading this particular book off and on for a number of months and it was sort of a goal for the weekend to finish it up.  I was really pleased to accomplish that goal, and also that the book really did remind me to continue thinking joyfully and choosing differently.
  6. Playing the worship service from a church I follow online while I worked in the kitchen tonight.  Love that the internet lets me have church come to my kitchen.
  7. Did a crossword puzzle online.  Love the challenge of sorting out words.  I feel like it's good for reawakening my mental capacities.
  8. I actually had a very productive day, and still managed to rest.
  9. Painting my fingernails and toenails.
  10. A clean bedroom for the coming week.
  11. (bonus!) The scent of lavender from my oil burner.  I've been burning it in large doses lately, and loving how beautiful my bedroom has been smelling because of it.