Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daily 5 - Day 153

Today's Daily 5:
  1. Beautiful sunrise this morning
  2. Working on memorizing Philippians using an audio Bible while driving to work
  3. Listening again to my audio book driving home
  4. Got another yoga workout in
  5. Cooking dinner for a long time friend - I love cooking for other people, and particularly for people who I know appreciate it because they don't manage to cook very often for themselves.  (It was fun to send her home with leftovers too and know that she'll have another meal for tomorrow night!)
  6. Holding and playing with her four month old daughter for much of the evening.  So cute!
  7. Made my second new recipe of the year.  Hasselbeck Potatoes.  So good.  And they looked pretty good too.  Pictures to come...
  8. Lavendar scented candles in the living room while we visited
  9. A full day at work, but another one where things were pretty smooth.  I'm enjoying this lull in the drama that has defined our office for so long, and hoping it lasts a while yet!
  10. odd moments of prayer and life colliding.  weird, a little when they happen, but glad for the way they confirm that I am listening for Jesus and hearing him.