Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Blue Ideas

First, let me just say that this is a fairly accurate description of how I think.  And secondly, I love the color blue.  I love lots of colors, but I once had a blue bedroom.  And it was my favorite bedroom ever.  I loved the color - it was so comforting to me.  It's now my dad's office, and I live in an apartment, but I still like the color blue.

Your Ideas Are Blue

When you think, you tend to have very detailed, well thought out ideas.

You take your time with your thoughts. You are a deep thinker who likes to explore every possibility.

Your ideas tend to be very innovative and perceptive. It's amazing what your mind can come up with.

Your mind is energetic and alert. You are "always on" and thinking of new things. It's hard for you to relax.