Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Daily 5 - Day 50

50 Days. How crazy is that? At what point do I stop numbering these posts, and just start dating them? I kind of like the numbers, though. They remind me that I've hit milestones of time. That I'm making little steps towards positive changes within myself. They help me feel like something is being achieved in showing up here each day. 50 days seems like a pretty good milestone.

In any case, here's today's daily 5:
  1. Two sets of great deals while at the mall tonight. One at the Body Shop on products I wasn't out of, but use constantly. And one at my favorite clothing store, where, for about $90 of products, I only spent $45, since they gave me a $20 discount just for trying on a coat (that I loved but didn't buy), and since I had a gift card left over from my birthday to cover another portion of the bill. Plus, the two tops, cute sweater, and scarf that I bought will likely all become wardrobe staples for me.
  2. Freshly laundered sheets, pajamas, and towels. I do love that clean, fresh smell.
  3. Having a night off from cooking dinner and eating the great food that L. cooked for us
  4. A quiet free evening with no commitments, and just time spent shopping with L.
  5. That today was slightly (if only slightly) smoother at work than the previous two days this week.