Thursday, August 20, 2009

Odd Night

I've passed a couple of odd semi-waking, semi-sleeping nights in a row.

I honestly can't say if what I'm experiencing are dreams. I just don't know quite how to categorize them quite frankly. I'm concious enough to know that I'm in my own bed. Awake enough to be aware when I've become uncomfortable and need to shift positions.

And yet, I'm somewhere else entirely.

And often aware of praying for the people and things I'm experiencing.

Sometimes this is a disturbing and restless thing, leaving me exhausted on waking. Sometimes it isn't. I like the nights when it isn't exhausting the best.

Ah well, on into the day. It's looking like I will be able to hole up in my office this morning and get some things accomplished without interruption. And for that, I'm grateful.