Monday, January 19, 2009

Not Much to Say

I survived another day at work.

I received some disappointing news today. Nothing catastrophic, just something I'd hoped for (and at the same time been afraid to hope for) that didn't pan out. I shed a few carefully hidden tears and then moved on.

My roommate and I chatted about that tonight. She had a similar, shed a few tears, then pull yourself together moment today.

I'm heading out in a little while to have coffee with a friend I haven't seen in at least a year, likely longer. If I'm not mistaken, she's travelled the world since I last saw her, so there should be lots to share.

I feel like I don't have a whole lot to say.

The weekend I had took a toll on my energy. I think that the outcomes of the weekend will ultimately be good, but right now I'm exhausted, and facing another week of work at a place that is immensely emotionally and spiritually draining.

I've been sleeping several hours a night lately. A supplement that a friend recommended seems to be helping. The flip side of that is that I've been sleeping deeply enough to have all sorts of wild and crazy and disturbing dreams. Not sure whether I prefer the sleepless nights or the dreams at this point, though a friend assures me that physically it's better for my goal to get my health back under control to be sleeping.

Anyway. I'm a rather boring person at the moment, so I think I'll stop here! There are thoughts percolating for better posts to come this week, but I need a free evening and a bit more energy to form them into words.


Dave Schipper said...

you know... writing about the experience is cleansing.... I wish you many words, and I'm sure things will start coming your way.


Drew said...

your presence is all the meaning and value you need to bring :)