Sunday, January 18, 2009

Things they don't tell you (freedom)

I spend a lot of time amazed at the things about life that no one bothers to tell you.

I wrote once on this blog about how I'd been having conversations with God about what freedom would look like, and he showed me a picture of myself in a beautiful skirt - a twirling skirt - spinning in a meadow.

Freedom is a word that's talked about a lot in the circles I hang out in. It's a great concept, and wonderful when it's been achieved.

But can I just say that I've never really heard it mentioned that it's a lot of hard work to get to. That it takes a lot of fighting and tears and hurt. A lot of gross moments of pulling things into the light and letting them be seen in all their disgustingness. A lot of struggle. A lot of moments when you're absolutely certain that nothing could be worth the price of what you're going through.

No one tells you that part.

No one tells you that freedom is rarely instantaneous.

No one tells you that often, when the Lord offers it, it still means you have to walk through all the shit to get to it. That you don't just sort of get airlifted over all the built up crap to the place of freedom, but that you have to negotiate your way over and around and through the crap to get there.

No one tells you that you might actually get there sometimes, and be so exhausted from the trip that you don't even realize you've temporarily arrived, and that you certainly don't have the energy to appreciate it.

It's an awfully beautiful thing, freedom, but no one tells you the cost.

I've been recognizing the cost again this weekend.

And maybe tomorrow I'll put on my twirling skirt and spin just a little to celebrate. But just at this moment, I'm caught by the fact that no one told me it would be this way. And I'm exhausted from the journey through it.


Anonymous said...

Great thoughts. Thanks for sharing them. I particularly found myself nodding to "No one tells you that you might actually get there sometimes, and be so exhausted from the trip that you don't even realize you've temporarily arrived, and that you certainly don't have the energy to appreciate it."

Praying for you!

Lisa in CA (hmm...maybe that's just as much what you could say since CA could be Canada as well as California...LOL. Oh well, you know it's me!)

Lisa said...

thanks for praying. it's been an "interesting" weekend :) and yep. sometimes the exhaustion is all you can see... I wrestled through some stuff for much of the weekend, and upon arriving at some freedom found that all I had the energy left to do was collapse on my bed and sob! glad it gets better from there!

the other Lisa in CA :)

Natalie said...

Great post!