Monday, January 12, 2009


Hope is a crazy word. A deeply important word in my life. A topic of many conversations. Something that I feel like I've lost in some spheres of my life lately. It's a prominent thing in my life. And it made me smile when I did the "What's Your Word?" quiz and got the following result:

Your Word is "Hope"

You see life as an opportunity for learning, growth, and bringing out the best in others.

No matter how bad things get, you always have at least a glimmer of optimism.

You are accepting and forgiving. You encourage those who have wronged you to turn over a new leaf.

And while there is a lot of ugliness in the world, you believe that almost no one is beyond redemption.

Let me know what your results are.


Dave Schipper said...

I got the same word and same definition. I do live with a positive attitude, and with the hope of resurrection, so maybe it's still right and others will get a different word.
