Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Smile List - June 4 Edition

Things Making Me Smile

My baby brother, T.’s, facebook status last night read “T. is getting calluses again.” This is fantastic news. It means that he’s been able to begin playing his guitar again after nearly two years. It means that the last surgery, the one earlier this spring where they shortened one of the bones in his wrist, seems to have been successful.

On Friday a collection of 10 different nose studs that I ordered online arrived in the mail. I got a great deal on them, and I’m quite enjoying having a rainbow of colors at my easy disposal.

We are looking at a house that seems to be a good possibility for the three of us (and fits our varied criteria) tomorrow night.

It wasn’t raining for my commute in to work this morning, so I arrived warm and dry for a change.

I’m reading a quite fascinating book on the topic of treating addicts right now.

Because I’m taking a few days off of work to visit a dear friend, I only have today and tomorrow left in the office. AND, next week will also be a short week.

A much anticipated visit with a dear friend.

A breakfast date with my best friend M., on Friday morning.

Animal Crackers.

Fresh apricots.

Canned peaches.

My current purse, which is a canvas bag with an Andy Warhol print of a campbell’s soup can on the front of it. (A $5 purchase the last time I hung out with Rae).

Skirt weather. I love wearing skirts.

Water. I really love water. Drinking it. Being in it. Being near a body of it.

The overflow of company in our house ends at the end of this week. I’ve loved having people stay with us, but I’ll be glad when things quiet down a little, especially since we now need to start thinking about packing for our impending move. My roommate has promised me “no more company” for the remainder of June.

A quiet day at the office yesterday, with much time to think and pray.

Things to do at the office today and tomorrow, to make the last two days for the week go more quickly.