Friday, November 16, 2007

From Two Years Ago

I was just looking through archives of my blog from two years back, skimming and reading, and came across this paragraph, written about two weeks after I was healed. I laughed, because the paragraph is so descriptive of the space of life I've been inhabiting again these last few months - this crazy Jesus space. I wrote:

"...The trouble is, I don't want to go back to the low point I was at just over two weeks ago. The last two weeks and a bit have been insane, but so good. I have known God's presence in ways I would never have expected, or even wanted, but I am tired. I don't want to go back - I'm loving this new place in my journey - loving that breakthroughs are finally happening, but boy is it tiring. I think I know why the ancient monks spent so many hours alone!" (you can find the original post in it's entirety here.)