Friday, November 16, 2007


So, my plans for breakfast tomorrow morning may fall through. Mom called tonight to say that she's feeling quite ill.

In that case, I'm going to go over to their house and borrow a car for a while. I want to go to the park and take photos. I think I'll also go to Ikea, the thrift store, and maybe to Kensington. The idea of spending the day wandering some of my favorite parts of the city on my own with a camera sounds appealing at the moment.

Just at this moment I'm going a bit stir crazy, and feeling a bit lonely. While I planned (and plan to enjoy) a quiet weekend - at this moment I think I might lose my mind if I don't find someone to chat with - hard when you only live with one other person and she's out for the evening!

If I had a car right now, I'd drive to the edge of the city and stare at the sky. I think it's probably cloudy, but I feel like I need a break from the city - could use a chance to breathe.