Thursday, December 08, 2011

Quiet and Rest

Quiet and rest have been my themes of the week.

For those of you who don't follow me on facebook or twitter, my temp job came to an abrupt end last Friday, three weeks before I expected it to end.

It's a bit bittersweet in that I could definitely use the income.  But it was an incredibly negative work environment, one which I'd ask my friends just the night before it ended, to pray that I would have wisdom to continue navigating.

And so, after two weeks of being quite ill and over three months of working in a tough environment full-time, the themes of this week have been quiet and rest.

I've been spending time in the kitchen, trying new recipes and creating.

I've been putting on television and movies that make me smile, and curling up with some knitting.

I've been browsing pinterest, hunting for inspiration, and gathering supplies and tackling some projects.  (I made the first attempt at some very cute earrings that use paperclips as a base yesterday - with a little tweaking, I'm going to love them!)

Yesterday a friend from house church and I hung out and spent the afternoon catching up, and baking at a leisurely pace, making some decadent treats that I will deliver tonight to the social services agency where my brother works with teenagers who a part of live-in program to help manage their severe mental illnesses and emotional problems.  My brother has challenged me in his work there, in the way he has loved on these kids who quite literally don't have anyone else to love them.  When he texted me a few weeks ago and asked if I'd be interested in doing a bit of baking for a Christmas dinner that the staff provide for the kids and some of their family members, and that they wanted to make it a really special dinner, one that might truly be a once in a lifetime opportunity for these kids, I jumped at the chance, and corralled some friends from church who also love to bake.  So, yesterday we baked, and tonight I'll go with my dad to drop off the results.  There are plans under way for my friends and I to bake regularly for these kids in the coming year - providing special treats.

There's something about a chance to minister in that sort of way that makes my heart sing in a way that using my many administrative skills never has.  Yes, I'm good at office work.  I'm quick, efficient, and skilled.  But I don't love it.  It doesn't make me come alive the way creating, caring for people, and feeding anyone who wants to eat does.  And so today, as I continue to rest, enjoy quiet, and create, I'm pondering that, and what it looks like for my future...


Just Be Real said...

I want to thank you for your encouraging words to me of recent. Blessings and hugs.

kirsten said...

So thankful for this season for you. I hope it continues to feed you.

blessings & peace,

Lisa said...

JBR - hugs and blessings back to you!

Kirsten - thanks. It's been so lovely to rest. I was with friends tonight, who smiled as I shared that my job had ended. One said that she had heard the news and said to herself, "I think God just knows that Lisa needs a break right now". Made me smile, and think again how wonderful it is that Jesus knows even those little things - like the fact that I was willing to stick it out in the tough environment, but that my heart really needed space for rest and some soul food.

Anonymous said...

I really like that you bake cake for those kids!!! I assume they really love that, although they might not say "Thank you", like our kids would probably do... But that's what it's not about... (Sorry, don't know how to say it, hope you understand what I mean...)
You're a blessing!

Lisa said...

Thanks Johanna! It was great fun to bake for them :)

christianne said...

This is so special and important to notice about yourself. I hear the peace and joy combined in your voice when you post about the baking or creative projects you're doing. I do think there is something in this for you, though I'm with you that I (of course) don't know what it might be. :)

Also, I'm so loving that you might continue to bake and cook for those teenagers in the new year!

Lisa said...

Thanks Christianne! I'm excited to see what will come of continuing to recognize that things that make my heart feel truly alive, and applying them to a career and vocation.