Monday, June 13, 2011

Reasons This is Going to be a Good Monday

I woke up from some kind of rough dreams this morning, and I'm not feeling great.  So, I'm lying here reminding myself of the lovely things I have to look forward to today:
  • Because three hours from now, my dear friend A, and her daughter N are coming to hang out with me for the afternoon
  • Because it's Bachelorette day
  • Because I have another full week of housesitting ahead of me
  • Because there is leftover Banana cream pie in the fridge
  • Because the weather forecast for the day is fairly warm and mostly sunny
  • Because I'm going to make jello
  • and banana bread
  • and maybe cookies
  • Because there is chocolate in the world
  • and some of my favorite television shows are available on DVD
  • Because I have reasons to smile, and I'm going to choose to enjoy them