Wednesday, March 02, 2011

New Month

It's March.  The second day of March.  How did it already get to be March?

I've been home from my vacation for several days, and I find I'm struggling to find words for this space, beyond the nightly Daily 5 posts.

That happens almost every time I go away.

I come back and find that silence has spread from an imposition of timing to a general silence of thoughts made for public space.

It seems that creating space for silence somehow imposes it more broadly.

And, honestly, this week is busy, and creating the time to write this week has been a bit challenging too.

It's a full, full week that is kicking off this new month.

A week with appointments, a couple of midterm exams, and a whole day scheduled out of town with a very dear friend who is rarely on the same continent as me.

Once I hit the weekend, I'm committed to getting back into the swing of blogging.  To getting some posts written and scheduled to go live.

Until then, though, it'll probably still be quiet around here (unless, of course, inspiration strikes!)