Friday, April 23, 2010

This and That

A collection of stuff worth reading and watching this morning:

A video of Governor General Michaelle Jean's apology to Rwanda for Canada's indifference during their genocide.

An article about forced sterilizations and the impact of China's one child policy.

A blog post with a Christian perspective on stewardship of the environment.  I particularly liked the statement "Dominion should not equal destruction."

Anne Jackson on being exposed.

Donald Miller on telling the truth.

Dana linked to this very cool way of viewing the Sistine Chapel.  It brought back very fond memories of how profoundly that room touched me when I visited, and how I wished I could have spent hours simply taking it in, instead of the maybe 10 minutes that I was able to spend there.

This article on the fact that Jamie Oliver is putting his own funds behind his vocal campaigns for better food and eating.  I am so on board with this idea that if we stop eating processed crap and start eating more healthy, home-cooked meals, we can make a huge difference in some of the health crises that seem to be on the rise, and I love that Oliver is putting his money where his mouth is.