Saturday, February 13, 2010

New Addition to the Reading List

Late last week I finished listening to another audio book.  You'll find it listed with the other "reads" of 2010 in my left-hand side bar.

The Big Moo, by Seth Godin et. al. is probably not a book I'd have made it through if I was reading it.  But in the audio version, read by Seth Godin, it came to life.

I recommend it, though I'd have to listen to it again to be able to coherently recite the topics.  But basically it was a series of chapters, written by a wide variety of authors, around the theme in the sub-title "Stop Trying to be Perfect and Start Being Remarkable."  Would I agree with everything I heard?  No.  But was it challenging information, presented in a very absorbable way, that caused me to think?  Yes.

Definitely worth checking out!